The chuds

Where the chuds in the sequel anything like these clawed muscular molemen?
I heard that the sequel was an indirect zombie movie, but were the creatures similair?


Not really.

The sequels CHUDs are just like normal zombies instead of the wierd creatures in the first movie. They don't live underground in the sequel either.


Really? What about Bud himself?

I've learned this much. Take what you can, when you can- Jenner


Bud was a frozen corpse stolen from a secret military facility by an airhead teenager who gets unthawed and starts biting everyone who then turn into cannibalistic zombies. His appearance is that of a normal 80's zombie, unlike the creatures from the original. This movie bears little to no resemblance of the original at all.



Perhaps unintentional, the "CHUDS" in part 2 look like the homeless guy that leaps onto John Heard when he finds the dismembered bodies in CHUD 1 (before the bag lady attacks him)....Dark greenish skin, blacked up teeth. So I suppose you could pretend that, with time, the CHUDS in part 2 could turn into flash-light eyed monsters.

Doesn't make the movie any better though.

Monster Squad for DVD in 2006:


The Reverend: It's time to get STERN with these chuds!
George Cooper: I HEARD that!

Monster Squad for DVD in 2006:
