Great Movie!

don't know what this first review is all about, but i think this movie is hilarious. stupid, but a great movie.

anyone else wanna get down on this w/ me!?

-excuse me, how do you get to the freeway?
-f--k yo momma!
-thank you very much...


I have to agree. While it might not be a "great" movie, it's not nearly as bad as the ratings and/or reviews here suggest! I thought it was just as good as the first one, to be honest.

Also, in my opinion the first movie is sillyer and less realistic than this one (too many race sequences where the film is sped up to make it look like the cars are going faster - this was much better in the second movie). Don't know why everyone seems to hate the sequel. Maybe it's just because it is "a sequel".

I gave both Cannonball Run movies a 6 out of 10. Neither of them can touch "Smokey and the Bandit", of course...


I saw this movie and I disagree with that negative review. I think it was very funny. The cast is a great comedy combination with Sammy, Frank, Dean, Dom, Burt, Jackie and everyone else that make this movie fun to watch just like the first one. There are even spoofs at movies! Again like the first movie they are full of laughs. And of course I love it cause it was filmed here in Arizona and my mother and grandfather was a extra when they filmed in Tuscon! If you love cars this movie is for you! & If you feel like renting a movie for the night and feel like some laughs! I recommend either buying this DVD or renting, either way you won’t be disappointed! I also recommend part 1.

come one everyone sing with me "Cannonball----Cannonball!!"


Yep, I really liked this - saw it as a child n' it was so funny! Seein' it tonight really took me back!! And what a wonderful cast line-up!


As much as I hate to say it, this movie is a classic compared to the crap infesting the local cinemas today. It'll never get a decent rating from a critic, but seeing such an unusual compilation of actors make complete idiots of themselves is outright hilarious! :-)


im whatching it right now here in italy on TV, very very FUN,like it allot!!!


I wouldnt say its a Great movie, infact i think its a terrible movie, its just soooo F'in silly,
But for some reason i just cant stop watching it and after so many times of watching it, i still cant help but to laff my ass off at the same old scenes:P

This movie gets the Thumbs up from me for just being so outrageuosly daft,it just throws the rule book out of the window (at 100 mph in the wrong lane i might add):P

An Hey, Burt reynolds is in it :> (no complaints there:P)hehehe
Gawd he was mighty fine lookin back in the 80's


OOh showing my age - saw this movie after I got out of college. I was a total comedy and spoof freak back then. The all-star line-up is just amazing. You don't see these kind of movies anymore - I thought Ocean's Eleven came really close to these types of funny classics. I know it's campy but that's what makes it great. I wish more young adults had appreciation for this "clean" style of slapstick and again, the all-star cast.

Living my life vicariously through cinema


I watched this film more times than I can remember as a kid and found it absolutely hilarious. Watched it again recently, now 26, and still find it funny, only this time actually noticed all the cameos and stars who all play it brilliantly for laughs!


if you didnt like this movie
then there's something wrong with you


@ the OP:

I just bought Cannonball Run, the first movie today, I'm going to get the sequel because I want to see all of the actors and actresses that got cast for this.

"You know, my name..."


I really enjoy this movie, however, the ending seems to be rushed and unfinished. The ending of the first one was brilliant. This one just sort of dies at the end.
