Not a very memorable film

I had actually forgotten that I went to see this in the Cinema back in 1984 when I was a kid.Well I guess it was OK for the time, it's looking badly dated now.Convoy,Smokey and the Bandit and the original Cannonball Run are better films.


I disagree. This movie is now just as popular as the original movie. And when you talk about the first one with a lot of people, the second one always comes up in conversation.

I loved both of them! Just waiting for a decent dvd release now.


I disagree also. I saw this when I was very, very small. I remembered it thrugh the times and saw it again on TV last night. And was also entertain by it.


Just as good as the first one, more so in fact!


It must have been memorable enough for you to start a new thread!


No actually I caught it by accident TV channel surfing prompting me to start the new thread but thanks for pointing that out to me
It's good to know there are people like you out there to watch out in case any of us make any mistakes with our wording on the message boards here
I guess you are kind of like Quality Control for the IMDB
Good Job Keep It Up


This is actually a great movie to watch and I loved it too as a kid and still love watching it even though I have not seen it on TV in ages! Everytime it was on I would watch it all of the time.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Great movie?
Were you high when you wrote your reply?
The majority vote with this "sequel" was a whopping (maybe) 2.5 stars (if that tells you anything.)
I saw this during its original theatrical release too. Later, my dad -the ever die-hard Cannonball Run 'fan' -bought 'new release' VHS copy. Sure, it wasn't too bad. It had its funny moments. But then, we were kids. Most anything was funny to us. Our brains were sorely under-developed (lol)

Later into our teens, we were now praising The Goonies and The Breakfast Club.

Watching CRII again today -as a mature adult?
I fast fwdd quite a bit -it was so awful. I don't think I laughed ONCE.
Most of it is a boorish yawn-fest and a horrible waste of its talent; weak script, etc.
It's way obvious Burt and Don did it for the $$$.
Their pathetic one-liners and weak "combacks" grew tiresome after just a few scenes.


As a kid I loved this movie but now I still like it but I do not think it is as comical as it was when I was a kid though. I would rather watch this than some of the programming that they have on TV today. I mean everything now is all TV shows anymore and the movies that they do show are all modern without that many classics shown for a family entertainment to be honest with you.

That is cool that your father bought it in VHS form back then. I remember that and I still have some VHS tapes that I need to change over into DVD's so that they will not get ruined at all.

USA UP ALL NIGHT petition!


Both movies are classic ,funny and zany 80s comedy..

The monkey was hilarious
