a married nun?

If you watch the scene right when the first cop starts behind J.lJ's car and Veronica talks about his hands being so warm. You notice Betty saying the heather up here is better you notice her left hand has a ring on her ring finger. So if they wonder if they were nuns or not wouldn't they notice the ring.


While I agree that this is probably a continuity error, it is not impossible. There are or were orders of nuns that "marry" Jesus and, so I have been told, wear or wore wedding rings. It is also not against the rules that a woman who is married and has children take up the cloth. There were even popes who had had children.

Another possibility is that the directors wanted to leave a clue that the habits were simply costumes and that cops are dull-witted enough not to notice something so obvious to you.

Dr C


It is not a fact that any Pope in history has ever had a child, yes its possible that they have had and it was swepped under the carpet but its certainly not common knowledge and the like of me and you would never find out.


Sorry, but there were a number of Popes who were not all that admirable. See the book, The Bad Popes by Russell Chamberlin. Do an internet search on this title and you will find references to some of the scandalous events of centuries ago. The Vatican has long accepted that many of these stories are factual.

Note that clerical celibacy was not the rule for the very early church. There is good evidence that Pope Hormisdas (514-523) was the father of Pope Silverius (536-537).

Without question the Borgia and Medici popes of the late Middle Ages did have children. Notable among these popes was Rodrigo Borgia who, through a rather questionable set of events, became Pope Alexander VI. Prior to becoming pope he had a mistress, Vanozza de Caettani, with whom he had four children, one of whom was Lucrezia, known to history as a poisoner although she probably was given a bad rap in this regard.

Just prior to becoming pope, Rodrigo/Alexander turned from Vanozza and took as his mistress one Giulia Farnese, wife of Orsini Orsino. Orsini was conveniently sent out of town for long periods. In 1492, well after becoming pope, Giulia gave birth to Laura. The only person who could have fathered Laura was Alexander VI. It would have been suicidal to impregnate the mistress of a pope.

Alexander arranged with Cardinal Allessandro Farnese, brother of Giulia, that Laura would receive an advantageous marriage, something unlikely for someone not her father to have arranged.

While this is not proof to a mathematical certainty, it is evidence that is consistent with the other facts that Alexander VI was her father. Perhaps someone will find her bones and perform a DNA test.

Doctor C


As part of their Holy Orders both Priests and Nuns marry the church/Jesus.

So they wear wedding rings.

Terry Thomas
