
I recorded this movie on Tivo recently and it cut the ending off for me. If any one knows the winner of Cannonball Run II could you please tell me? thank you.


It was the limo with Tony Danza and the ape. :)


no it wasnt it was the two women who kept showing there chests!!

Hows my typing? 1-800-dont-give-a-S#i#


no the girls with the lambraghini diablo win in the first cannonball movie the chimp with tony danza win the second movie....... i think


It was Tony Danaza and the ape.. at the end, you see Jamie Farr telling his father that he has the winner from this Cannonball, and he will now win, and you see him with the monkey.. I know its not a monkey, but it sounds funnererier

"Ugh, Gross....Idiots!"



Ricardo that the main bad guy from the first Naked Gun film? I never realized until just now! Interesting. Jamie Farr sure doesn't look like he did in the MASH series either!

I'm guessing Mel, Tony, and the ape/chimp/monkey/orangutang (whatever), left the big brawl a bit early which led to their victory. I can't remember if they're shown when the Sheik gathers everyone around just before they take off for the finish after the fight.

This is my signature, nice eh?



The winner is the one that didn't watch the movie.


You see know, I just don't get complete dorks like warisill (who just commented before me). Why the $%*& would you A) watch this movie if you knew you weren't going to like it (let's face it, anyone who doesn't know what they're getting into with a movie like this before you watch it is either 3 years old or an idiot), B) then waste your time going to this site, C) bother to read all the threads, and then D) as the stupidest move of all, "share" your negative opinions to a group of fans who couldn't give a flying #$&% as to your stick up your a$$/high brow taste in comedy. Here's an idea, if you don't like the movie, um, gee....don't waste any more of your time on it! And that includes going to a site like this. Jeez, do you really think you're going to shape anyone's opinions, or do you just want to sound cool with your "joke" that was oh so funny I forgot to laugh.


Funny, I watched the movie, and I'm a winner.

I also managed to get a kick out of watching 50 or so people have absolute fun making a movie about pretty much nothing.

Gee, God really does work in mysterious ways...

Gordofett - No Disintegrations, or your money back.
