MovieChat Forums > Footloose (1984) Discussion > Footloose hater did not grow up in the 8...

Footloose hater did not grow up in the 80's

Most of those who complain that the movie is bad are those who didn't grow up in the 80's. If you know well the era of the 80's you would appreciate the movie.

The 80's era is the peak of dance era when 50's, 60's and 70's dance steps all aggregated into the 80's. all modern dances from the late 90's up to today can be traced back to the dance steps that was popularized in the 80's. The street dance that you see now wherein dancers spin their heads on the floor or wiggle their bodies on the ground is just reminiscent of the 80's strut dance as what was featured on the prom scene in the movie, just to give you an example.

The movie is actually cheesy if
1) you are not from the 80's
2) you just saw it for the first time today
3) if you are from this current teen generation

you cannot appreciate the era if you havent experienced it. Of course everything will be cheesy, embarrassing and quite awkward in the movie if you view it now because its peak and time have already passed. The theme and spirit of the movie is not anymore felt today precisely because it was in the 80's.

Footloose is a classic. No other remake can capture it. It is a movie that captured most of the beat, rhythm, dance and nostalgia of what 80's was all about: simple, clean fun, safe and no crazy gun totting student who would just shot anyone out of nowhere.

Its bad enough that you didn't live during the golden era of the 80's so don't make yourself feel more bad in hating this wonderful classic movie where men are real men and not afraid to dance. In this generation, if you see a man dance like ren do or if you see two men teaching each other how to dance, people would actually label it as gay. In the 80's there is no such label. No malice. because people in that era just want to have fun!!!!!

Nuff said to all haters! I feel sorry for your generation! Garbage and trashy music and movies!


the golden era of the 80's, what a great time to be a kid and a human being, too.


I graduated in 87, this movie sucked a$$. One of the dumbest movie premises ever.


I graduated the same year. Kudos to my 14 year old self I thought it was awful then too. Hated the music too by then I was into KROQ alt new wave etc.


I grew up in the 80's and could care less about this movie. I remember watching Bacon dance by himself in an empty warehouse thinking WOW this is pretty gay. If you like the movie fine, good for you. But don't try to act like everyone from that time thought this was a great movie or that it was a classic.


You could care less? How much more?



@brscth74 Yeah right. I am referring to people who lived in the 80's and not douchebags who have an emotional range of a teaspoon. Obviously you came from the 80's era who unfortunately is fixated with river dance and anything that has two legs that wiggles involuntarily. Not all 80's babies are as pathetic as you.


LOL you are about as small minded as they come. Are you going to continue to stalk me throughout imdb or are you going to stop embarrassing yourself now? Either way I have no intentions of wasting my time reading the drivel that you type, just to let you know I will just ignore any posting from you so say whatever you want because I will never see it. So long loser.



I'd just like to say that I'm not from the 80s, and I'm a member of this current teen generation, and I love this movie. It's fun, silly, and overall just a classic 80s film. I actually do like a lot of the dancing; I'm not a fan of the "grinding" crap we have now.

Let a little insanity into your life.


I agree, most of the people that come on here and tear apart the 80's movies are people that weren't even alive then or too young to remember.. Yet they try to compare 80's movies with today's movies and find themselves disappointed.. I wasn't really a big fan of dance-movies but Footloose was much more than a dance movie, it was a movie about teenage rebellion against stupid and unnecessary rules that were created out of fear and how these teens dealt with it..

Bill Steward



I was born in '88 and I saw this movie today for the first time.. And I loved it. The music was great, the dancing was awesome as was the story. Footloose is a classic and of course it was cheesy, but I think that's the charm of this movie and what makes it so great.

Kevin Bacon was awesome in it, I see him through a whole other light now. But you say many of footloose haters didn't grow up in the 80s, well I think you're wrong. Everyone has it's own opinion and it doesn't matter when you grew up. You can hate something either way. Some love the movie, and some hate it, not because it's good but maybe because they don't like the genre.. Think about that.

Another thing you said was the theme and spirit of the movie is not anymore felt today, but I think if you have enough imagination, you can imagine how it feels. I was watching the movie and all I wanted to do was dance with them..

And about the remake, don't write something off just because it's a remake of an amazing movie. I personally can't wait for the remake, and I can't wait to see what they did different with the story-line.

Not everything was great in the 80s..


The way I look at it is like this: Some people love it, some people hate it. It doesn't matter to me. What bothers me is when people try to make it sound like certain movies are awesome (or not) and that is all there is to it, it is fact. We all have our own opinions, it is what makes us unique.

Personally, I love this movie. It is one of my favourite movies. Then again, I am a sucker for 80's movies :)
