MovieChat Forums > Ghostbusters (1984) Discussion > Original casting for Egon

Original casting for Egon

Jeff Goldblum, Christopher Walken, Christopher Lloyd and John Lithgow were considered for the part but anyone glad Harold got the part?


A better or more ambitious actor would probably have been tempted to emote and show what he could do, but Ramis's ambitions were primarily with writing and directing... so he didn't over do it, he played the whole role completely deadpan.

It worked, he was hilarious, he was the perfect foil for the other characters, and Jeff Goldblum would have died rather than do the same!


Ramis did a great deadpan performance to the role and he was born to be Egon


i could see goldblum or eugene levy


I'm glad Goldblum didn't get it. He would have acted too similarly to Bill.


Harold Ramis sort of brought a Mr. Spock like vibe (i.e. being a stoic, cool-headed intellectual-type) to Egon. I'm sure that had Jeff Goldblum got the role, he would've brought his own unique spin on Egon. It's of course, extremely hard at this point though to imagine anybody else in the role besides Harold Ramis.

I think a big part of what made his performance work, is that even though Harold was acting in a comedy film, Egon wasn't supposed to be funny (at least intentionally). What is meant to be funny is what he's reacting to and the bizarre circumstances and situations that he finds himself in. Other than maybe Bill Murray, everybody body else took things inherently seriously and sincerely and not a big joke.


Harold Ramis wrote the story. He literally created the part. Who else could even have considered someone else.


He should have played all of the roles then.
