Is it just me...

...or was that girl that was chewing gum supposed to be underage? this is something that has always bothered me about this film.


Yes, I think so. And I wonder how that would fly nowadays. The actress was a young Sherri Stoner, whom I became a fan of her writing and voice acting in Animaniacs.

You just have to be resigned-
You're crashing by design


That scene was a small bit disturbing that and the scene with Bill Paxton {the photos}.


I know I'm replying to this five years later but I felt the same way when I saw this film in the theater when it came out. If Hollywood made a American movie today implying something like that there would be a huge outcry.


I don't know about that. I think Hollywood has gotten awfully transgressive since this last movie was made. All kinds of taboos have been crossed.


Maybe I saw the edited version, but from what I saw, all he did was touch her face.

"Baba Booey! Baba Booey!"


Tha's all you see yeah, but you hear a zipper go down. The implication is fellatio, F.E. it's a new exchange.
