MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid (1984) Discussion > I never quite understand how Ali is real...

I never quite understand how Ali is really annoyed with Daniel?

Is she right to be annoyed at the fun fair till he admits he has been a silly idiot. Did he do wrong as I take it he just never contacted her till then. And she has had enough of him acting childish


She doesn't consider herself the type who would use another person (and lie to him and string him along) to make an ex-boyfriend jealous, and she's offended that Daniel would suspect that after the country club mess.

If "Three's Company" taught us anything, it's that adults can get the wrong idea after overhearing or seeing only part of an event.




I read in that in another deleted scene she invited him over to her house while her parents were away on a rehab retreat to explain. He goes over, asks to use the bathroom and whilst taking a massive sh!t, hears a car pull up in the driveway and afraid it was Johnny and he was being set up, he purposefully didn't flush, grabbed a handful of his sh!t, smeared "cock-tease" on the walls and mirror and then left through the window.


 rofl!!


Or how about a scene similar to that in Dumb and Dumber with Daniel taking a dump....


Or how about a scene similar to that in Dumb and Dumber with Daniel taking a dump....

Wow, there's some funny *beep* on the Karate Kid boards!



He must've had Mac and cheese with bacon.


I think she could've understood why he got the wrong impression about what happened. Especially since her and johnny had a history and all.


Daniel just couldn't take the hint. Ali probably had to resort to smashing up his car on purpose after the whole football player from UCLA triangle didn't set off a light bulb in his head.
