Johnny and Bobby

I feel like both Johnny and Bobby redeem themselves. First, after Bobby is forced by Kreese to put Daniel out of comition, Daniel is hurt and Bobby goes to him and says "Daniel. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry." Even when Johnny and the other guys are beating up Daniel in the alley, it's Bobby who steps up and says "Leave him alone. He's had enough." I always liked Bobby for those reasons, and he was pretty cute too. Then at the end, when Daniel beats Johnny and wins the competition, Johnny goes to the referee, takes the trophy and gives it to Daniel and says "You're alright Larusso. Good match." I always wished that they'd show Johnny congratulating Daniel in the parking lot at the beginning of part 2. I just thought it was nice that these two guys were able to make peace with Daniel



I totally agree and to be honest i always get a little teary-eyed at the end when Johnny gives him the trophy.


it would have been interesting if in the sequels Johnny had become Daniel's friend kind of like how Rocky and Apollo became friends in the Rocky movies.

Maybe in my "alternate timeline" Johnny goes with Danny and Mayagi to Japan in KK2 and gets the tar beaten out of him by Chozen and Daniel has to avenge his hospitalized friend.


Maybe in my "alternate timeline" Johnny goes with Danny and Mayagi to Japan in KK2 and gets the tar beaten out of him by Chozen and Daniel has to avenge his hospitalized friend

Fvc<ing Hell, that was funny. I nearly spat my coffee out.

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


it would have been interesting if in the sequels Johnny had become Daniel's friend kind of like how Rocky and Apollo became friends in the Rocky movies.

It could go like this: In KK3, when Mike Barnes and co. come around harassing Daniel, Johnny, Bobby, Jimmy, the fat kid, and the black kid (not Dutch, too much anger there) swoop in and an epic rumble breaks out in the streets of Reseda. At one point, the current Kai part to reveal Chozen, ready for revenge. At the peak of the fighting, there's an unholy scream from the depths of some dark alley, and in comes flying: Daryl Vidal, doing that spin kick. Mayhem ensues until the Barnes guys flee.

Afterward, Johnny announces that his father needs to run part of his corporation at a loss for tax purposes, and so has decided to invest in Miyagi's bonsai tree shop. Everyone celebrates.



LOL You're welcome to some! Then we can sit and watch the new, improved KK3 and laugh our heads off.




I love this idea!
I think Johnny showing up in Pt 3 would have made sense. Just like how Apollo trained Rocky to fight Clubber Lang. Johnny could help Daniel in some way.

But to be honest I always thought Johnny telling Daniel "you're alright! Good match" it wasn't him being true to his character. It felt like a quickly added on line they decided at the last minute.
Johnny was a dick from the beginning right up until the end where he cheated and hurt Daniel.
Then after getting beat and humiliated by the guy that stole his girl he suddenly gets all nice and humble? Lol No that doesn't make sense at all.
Maybe a few days later after he's had time to think about it and process everything? Maybe.
But not seconds later. I don't buy it.


No one said he actually liked Daniel but he showed him respect as a worrhy opponent and congratulated him doesn't mean they were best friends



No way Johnny was gonna buddy-up to Daniel after everything, because of Ali and too much unresolved history, but Johnny was smart in showing respect to Daniel in the end. Johnny and the gang weren't exactly bad people; just a bunch of teens in the midst of raging hormones, who fought with other teens over conflict, showing off, etc. Now, if Daniel had never gotten involved with the girl from the get, I can possibly see Daniel and Johnny being acquaintances.


Now, if Daniel had never gotten involved with the girl from the get, I can possibly see Daniel and Johnny being acquaintances.

Daniel would have been to Johnny what Freddy Fernandez was.....somebody who went to the same school is all.

The greatest trick the Devil played was convincing people he didn't exist.....


Maybe in my "alternate timeline" Johnny goes with Danny and Mayagi to Japan in KK2 and gets the tar beaten out of him by Chozen and Daniel has to avenge his hospitalized friend.

Haha, Bloodsport-style, right?

I agree, though. I like it when former enemies become friends like Rocky and Apollo - especially when they have to join forces to face an even tougher villain.

Johnny and Bobby were ok in the end, especially as they gained more respect for Daniel, which was largely Mr. Miagi's goal in training Daniel - not necessarily to win the tournament, but to win the respect of his enemies.


Out of all the Kobra Kai - Johnny and Bobby felt remorse and have consciences, Bobby moreso.
Although he was the one who tripped up poor Daniel, when they were playing soccer. He was an ass to Daniel but yes, he definitely redeemed himself in the end.


I always thought Dutch was the meanest out of all of them. Not defending Johnny but he had reason to not like Daniel. But Dutch was a pure bully.


He looked like he was being sarcastic when he was saying "Daniel, I'm sorry!"


Yeah, Bobby was always the "good" one compared to the other core Kai members. The ending with Johnny is just a reflection of Miyagi's "No bad student just bad teachers" line from earlier in the film. Johnny believed in Kreese's teachings but realized how nuts the guy was when he told him to sweep the leg. Yeah he did it but that was the moment that changed things.


Johnny believed in Kreese's teachings but realized how nuts the guy was when he told him to sweep the leg. Yeah he did it but that was the moment that changed things.

If that is true then I have to say Johnny's reasoning is flawed.
Daniel willingly entered the final carrying an obvious injury. Kreese, seeing that Johnny was within a point of losing, made a tactical decision and told Johnny to target his opponents weakness. Johnny did nothing wrong in doing so and got himself back in the fight.
For me, the turning point should have been the 'Out of commission' order Kreese gave to Bobby.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!
