Worst kiss scene ever?

When Daniel finally plants one, I have to say it's the worst movie kiss I have ever seen. I still can't watch that part. You can feel how awkward it is between them. Maybe it was their first kiss? I'm sure kissing on demand being filmed isn't easy. I'm sure they were nervous. But I still say it's the worst movie kiss ever.

This was gonna be my original post. Let me beat others to punch with expected replies lol. Forgive the possible misspellings. On my small phone with fat fingers.
1) Mr Miagia was nervous too. It was his first kiss on screen as well
2) Elizabeth Shue probably couldn't believe he kissed her. He ad libbed it so he could kiss a hot girl. That's why she kissed him like that
3) that's how they kissed in the 80's with the porn kiss
4) he wanted Johnny to be able to see him tounge his ex
5) when did Lamar and Daniel kiss?
6)trying to get a mom joke but drawing a blank

Been better if I had a top 10 but I'm out of ideas. Just having a little fun. But seriously, the kiss was awkward.


7. Daniel was used to kissing the ground.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Agreed. It was the most over-the-top gross out, cringe-inducing snog I've ever seen!
Who taught Daniel/Ralph Macchio to kiss! He looked like The Thing, trying to absorb her face! I always skip over that part whenever I watch it on DVD, pretend like it never happened, lol.


It's pretty mad but nothing is worse then Vince Vaughn kissing that girl in the trailer in swingers. Lol, if you haven't seen it check it out and hit me back


Watch Mark Wahlberg kiss Reese Witherspoon in the film "Fear" if you want to see the worst kisser in Hollywood!

He just about swallows Reese's face ala Hannibal Lecter!
Slobbers & LAPS at her face to boot! YUCK!

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


I remember seeing that movie and thinking to myself, that's the second worse kiss I have seen, behind Daniel's. I'll have to check out Vince Vaughn in swingers. Haven't seen that one.


I sorta agreed but she seemed to have enjoyed it, I didn't see her complaining afterwards


I always hated that "kiss" if you can call it that!
I prefer 'face eater-san'
