MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid (1984) Discussion > Miyagi terrible handyman

Miyagi terrible handyman

Seriously, the pool didn't have any water in it, the larussos apartment wasn't move in ready as evidenced by the the broken faucet which he will fix "later", but his bonsai trees? Immaculate. Nice priorities miyagi.


Could have fooled me. Having the job title of handyman would imply that Miyagi actually worked once in awhile!


he's very handy with the sake.



Twas the drink that killed him.


it's his fuel.

🎍Season's greetings!🎅🌲


He couldn't have been that busy since he spent most of his time catching flies with chopsticks or creating his paradise of a home! It's no wonder he didn't fill up the pool with clean water.



He couldn't have been that busy since he spent most of his time catching flies with chopsticks
Oh yeha, he spent, what, about 20 seconds in that scene? Most people spend more time tying their shoes. "that guy must be unemployed! I just saw him tie his shoes!". Puhleeze.
or creating his paradise of a home!
It's called wanting to have a nice place to live.[/quote]
It's no wonder he didn't fill up the pool with clean water.
That's not up to him. It's up to the landlord if he wants to continue having a pool. Some landlords don't because of the cost.


My iMDB profile


I never understood his connection to the apartments anyway. He has money and his own house, but he does menial work that he isn't very good at?

I'm just expressing my opinion.

You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas.


I think that is what is commonly known as having a hobby.

It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!


Maybe that was the home that he and his wife were meant to live so he couldn't bear to live there after what happened.


He was probably syphoning funds and materials out of the apartment complex to build his unregulated and unzoned Imperial Japanese gardens.



Maybe Mr. Miyaki owned the building or knew the owner and therefore established a relationship that allows him to work only when necessary. As indicated in the movie when Daniel first met Mr. Miyaki, he was preoccupied and he would address any problems only when it is convenient for him to do so. In other words, Mr. Miyaki is his own boss.


While the broken faucet is inexcusable, California was experiencing a drought at the time, as it is now, and pools were typically empty during those years.


Then Miyagi must have tapped the local well dry, cause his Bonzai tree collection sure wasn't suffering any droughts.


Motel Owner "Umm, anyone seen Mayagi? I stopped by to pick up all the rent checks and I see this list of complaints...broken faucets, ect...I wanna get on him a bit, the place is looking kinda haggard"
Random Mook "Yeah...I think I saw him going into the boiler room earlier...dunno if he's still in there, it's been a few hours."

Motel Owner walks into boiler room and finds his super trying to catch flies with a pair of chopsticks.

Motel Owner "WHAT THE %&$# ?!?!?!?!"
