
Talk about an 80's film. This is highly overrated. Especially since everyone in the film don't know actual Karate. Give me Jaden and Jackie over these 2 losers anyday.


The guy who played Bobby (Ron Thomas) was a brown belt at the time of filming and went on to achieve the rank of 6th Dan Blackbelt.

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Cool. The guy with 5 lines knew Karate. So TF what? Lmao


Well it was you who said NOBODY in the movie knew Karate.
Seeing as you did bring it up and you also say give me Jadebn Smith and Jackie Chan any day, it might interest you to know that in the remake nobody did Karate in real life either.
It may also interest you to know that Stallone wasn't really a boxer in real life, or a Green Beret for that matter. Or that neither Sean Connery or any of the other actors who played Bond ever worked for the Secret Service in real life.
See how that works?

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!



I think Chaney Jr was a real life Wolfman but I have my doubts about Bela being a vampire in real life.


You need more intelligence if you're going to attempt sarcasm buddy. Horrible try


Better than this BS




You white boys think every minority ruined a remake. STFU forever



Shhhh. I don't care. You've shown your opinions are stupid already.




Lmao naw loser


Please go away with that bs talk


but but black people have valuable lives!!! even the welfare crack smoking ones


Will Smith, is that you?
