Class reunion

I wonder what the class reunions are like? I think it would be an awesome idea if they got the cast together and did something like "best in show" and followed some people around before and during and after. Maybe even have an Over 40 All Valley Tournament and everyone enters it. That may be pushing it, but the class reunion film would be a great idea I think.


I think a great idea for a sequel would be to have Johnny be a mentor to a bullied kid. Turn the tables a bit, show how he's grown since then and have Daniel as a minor character who he turns to for help and discuss how Miyagi helped him.



And how fat Danny boy has gotten lol


Yeah, look how fat he is.....

If those pen pushers up at city hall don't like it,well, they swivel on this middle digit!


Wow he looks better than I thought!



Maybe it was all that running away once Miyagi was no longer around to save him!
