MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid (1984) Discussion > Is Daniel right not to face The Gang whe...

Is Daniel right not to face The Gang when he runs away from them

I personally thought he did right running away from the gang. As he pretty much was on his own and had to find a way of taking them on first. And he does not know but find a way in the end through Mr Miyagi who at first wants to be a friend but not help him in his battles. But really gets involved once they nearly kill him?



Well also Daniel instigated the fight.

It wasn't a fight, it was a beating.

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....




He didn't start the one at the beach. He picked up a radio. He escalated it by throwing a pathetic suckered punch, but he didn't start it.

And he didn't start anything to cause the gang to drive him off the road on his bike?



Doesn't matter. Picking up a radio doesn't mean it's okay to fight him. Especially since Johnny literally smashed it so angrily and violently. If he'd gone up when Johnny was just holding it and tried to grab it out of his hand, that'd be different.

Now it's clear you'll say anything to blame Daniel even if it's stupid. Daniel wasn't innocent and started a lot of crap like punching Bobby and his trick with the hose at the dance, but actually blaming him for this is laughable. He showed up at their school and left when he saw them. Then 5 guys rode him off the rode while he took a really bad fall down a steep hill. He could have easily broken his leg or arm, yet the gang just laughed and kept going.



Daniel was a moron. The Kai left him alone for a good 6 weeks between the start of term in September and the Halloween dance. He wanted revenge but couldn't take the heat. I'm surprised he even made it to 17... He must have gone to the pussiest highschool in all of Jersey to make it that far in life without a beating to figure out the facts of life.
