Ali's bedroom

I always wondered what Ali bedroom looked like. Probably pretty floral with lace and pinks and blues.


We never see it because Daniel never went there, unlike the UCLA football team.


Daniel always wandered the same thing but he never found out


He could have always asked Johnny what it was like. :)



Probably like Mariah Carey's.


He could have asked Mr Miyagi. Word has it that Miyagi san used to hang out in the bushes by Ali's window with telephoto lenses and a tiny Japanese hard on.


He was probably just making sure Daniel wasn't getting any, last thing he needs is for his free undocumented slave labour to get a taste of the good life. I wouldn't be surprised if Miyagi was the one who paid off the UCLA player to bang Ali. I'm sure there were a few cars missing between parts 1 and 2...


No, she outsourced her work, no way her parents would even let anybody in that pretty house on the hill.

Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!


She didn't have a bedroom. Her parents, being mean and selfish, used the room for storing gardening tools, and made Ali sleep in the back yard with the dog.

Fowler's knots? Did you say ... fowler's knots?


I'd be willing to bet money that her room was completely devoid of any pictures of Daniel.


I'm willing to bet that entire house was void of anything to do with Daniel. Her parents probably changed the locks after that dance at the country club and never gave her a key, requiring her to be let in like a cat to make sure she didn't drag anything in with her.
