MovieChat Forums > A Passage to India (1985) Discussion > What would India look like today if the ...

What would India look like today if the British had never occupied it?

Just a thought I had after watching this film. I agree that there were injustices committed by the British on the Indians, but I would suggest that India progressed more quickly due to British influence than they would have otherwise.

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Depends what you mean by progress. If progress means a technological consumer society that replaces spiritual values with materialistic goals, then I suppose you are right.


If the Brits hadn't have occupied India, then the Portuguese, Dutch, French... take you're pick - surely would have. I tend to think that the British Raj was a positive, stabilizing component in Indian development that continues to help India to this present day, but there's no proof, it's just my opinion. Likely as well that many Indians might argue with me!!!

Interestingly I don't think many present day Indians hold a resentment towards the British.


This is really surprising because the same thing crossed my mind whilst I was watching and quickly dallied with the idea of "what would the world be like had there been no "conquering"/taking of complete continents as Spain, France and the UK did and leave everyone in every culture evolve in their own way.

Oh, well... just a thought.

"The longest line is never outside the best restaurant."
Stanley Kubrick


Interesting point! If we may wander slightly away from India, what about Saudi Arabia? A country never occupied by Western powers that has followed its own path, accepting only those aspects of the Western world that its rulers want and banning the rest. Almost limitless money from oil and pilgrims has tended not to change their views but to reinforce them.


Well, in that case i might point out India was previously severely conquered and destroyed by the mughals and other islamic rulers. So, the actual hindu(India is as called hindustan) culture or ideals were diminished by ruthless rulers from middle east, who are not progressive anyway. Just what they did to themselves by not progressing in materialistic or spiritual aspect in middle east or any other islaicm region where the europeans haven't ruled.


It probably wouldn't even exist as any kind of unified state.

I mean, the British India did fracture, but the largest piece seems to hold together fine (and gobbled up other, smaller Indian states as well).


what if your mother was killed because of the brit occupation of india, what would you think then?


IF there would have been no European invasion( Its was not only the British who invaded)

*. India was one of the richest nations in the world.( it had the highest or second highest GDP before the Europeans. There was a reason the Europeans wanted to come to India, IT was for the riches. The progress of civilization if not for the invasions would have been centered in India.

* Europeans and the British would have been underdeveloped poor countries.

* World history would have been different. There wouldn't be a Pakistan or Bangladesh etc.

* India would be one of the current superpowers, in terms of scientific and technical progress. Current definition of progress is defined by the Industrial revolution and consumerism. This might not have been the case, if Europe hadn't fueled the Industrial revolution from the resources from India.

* India's vast body of knowledge( Books, scriptures, science etc etc were destroyed) would have been ceaselessly grown.

* Plenty of alternative scenarios can be imagined and speculated,But even in current times, the history of India is debated among scholars and historians. The accepted version by mainstream academia is that written by European scholars during the colonial era, for the intention of justifying colonization by demeaning a civilization


really smelly.

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