Adela and Fielding

Am I the only who think that Fielding and Adela had to end up married? Their reunion with Aziz would be nice ending of the film. After all, Godbole says earlier in the film:" Why did Mrs Moore bring Miss Quested to Chandrapore?". Fielding responded:" To marry the city magistrate". Godbole:" Yes...Or to go to the Marabar with Dr Aziz. Or perhaps to meet you." This wouldn't be soapy at all - circle would be closed perfectly. Instead, Fielding married a daughter of Mrs. Moore (she appeared out of nowhere and didn't have any influence on the events).I know that is faithful to the book but I think that David Lean was able to afford artistic freedom and to change the (little anti-climatic) end of the film. Your opinions?


No! It would be bizarre, Fielding going off to marry the girl that he believes (for whatever reasons) is allowing unjustified accusations to be made against his friend Aziz, who he clearly and unequivocally believes to be innocent of the allegations.

Marrying Stella makes more sense as one suspects she, like her mother and Fielding himself, has a high regard for the sub-continent, unlike Adela, who never really makes up her mind for herself.🐭


Aziz was angry when he thought Fielding had married Adela. What made it come "full circle" is that he married Mrs. Moore's daughter and brought her back to India with him and Aziz gets to meet his friend's daughter.
