Just saw it, my thoughts

I liked it. I liked it a lot actually. The beginning was a bit slow, and the movie was a bit long but good over all. My only complaints are:

I thought the trial scene was fantastic, but there should have been more. More testimony, more questions, more cross examination, etc. Roshan Seth's character was absolutely fantastic, but what a missed opportunity. He only had a few lines! He had a very commanding, powerful character, and every line he gave was really strong and I liked them a lot. But there just wasn't enough. He should have had more screentime and more lines.

Alec Guiness's character was worthless. I realized it was him because of his voice, and thought he was under utilized especially considering how good of an actor he is. I think he was better off playing an Englishmen rather than an Indian. In any case, if they cut out all of his scenes, the movie would have been exactly the same more or less. He was a throw away character. I heard most of his scenes were cut anyway, which is why his character was so small. Sadly, that is quite apparent in watching this film.

Other than that I liked it. It was a bit too long, but it was interesting throughout.


Since you mentioned it twice, what IS the proper length for a movie? It reminds me of the part in Amadeus where they say his music had "too many notes". He in turn says that there are only as many as needed, then asks "which ones should I take out?".

Surely most movies would be even longer if they told the whole story and had all the action of the book, and David Lean was known for very long movies.

But your point is well taken, especially with people seeming to have such short attention spans these days. I'd say over two hours long is stretching it, unless it's really interesting, and that point is always a matter of personal likes or dislikes, anyway.

"Go back to your oar, Forty One."


Well, what is an epic except a movie that's a half hour longer than it needs to be?

David Lean's movies are deep, beautifully shot, exotic, and long.
It's great if you're in the right mood or if you're hooked, but plot points aren't rushed and it meanders.

There's no reason not to shorten all of his epics except for the fact that you might enjoy living in the exotic worlds that Lean has invited you to enter into.

I never got into Lawrence of Arabia and i was just like waiting for it to end, and even then that didn't come, so i turned it off.

I was 16 at the time and doing a high school project on TE Lawrence and I probably just came to the conclusion, that wow, ok, this is waaayyy more than I need to know for a simple TE Lawrence report



I like the movie, but I feel it's mostly a study of how characters react in a racist society, and didn't really need the "epic" treatment.
