MovieChat Forums > A Passage to India (1985) Discussion > Name of Ronny's house at Chandrapore

Name of Ronny's house at Chandrapore

Just wondering if this is covered in more detail in the book.

When Mrs Moore and Adela arrive at Ronny's house for the first time, Mrs Moore pauses and looks up at the name of the house (was it Fairholme? I forget exactly.) There's a look of dismay, or possibly mild surprise, on her face.

It is dismay on her part that an English village has been duplicated, almost down to the last detail, in that part of Chandrapore, or is it surprise that the house is possibly named after the family house or something back in England?


I'm reading the novel and, so far, no mention of the name of the house. In fact, the book does not deal with Mrs Moore and Adela's arrival in India.

I'll let you know if it's mentioned later.

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