The book

Before anyone sees this movie, they HAVE to read the book! It is excellent, and the only way to watch this movie is to read the book first. The book was written in the 1920's, and the theme was wery actual at the moment. E.M Forster, the author, is questioning the Britsh colonial moral, and the story is absolutely fantastic!

But if you haven't read the book before you see the movie, it may get a bit boring. You need good time to understand the meaning of the story, and that is something you cannot do in 157 minutes.

If you red the book first, this movie is great if you see it afterwards.


Agreed, David Lean makes demands upon his audience. If you've read the book then you will love this movie. It is a pity that so many Americans come from the opposite perspective - see the movie and then decide whether to read the book. In England, there is the assumption that Forster's book is a classic that everyone read in school.


I agree! You must read the book first.

I read the book over the summer, and found the movie a very faithful adaptation, something you don't see often. It was uncanny how similar the cinematography was to what I had imagined it would be.

Dr. Aziz was wonderfully cast, in my opinion, fielding also. Godbole's character was a little unexpected though. They could have done a better job with him.

I think one of the biggest discrepancies I found in the movie was the ending. Other than that, it was great.




This is one instance where reading the book first will do nothing for you, IMO. It's such a faithful and almost word for word adaptation, the film is just right. I remember reading the book later, to see what had been left out or changed. To my surprise, practically nothing.

Only love, pads the film



Oh, I'm remembering something I read 15 years ago or more? I know some things were different but I was amazed at how faithful the film really is. Some dialog, if memory serves, is word for word from the novel.

Only love, pads the film


I read the novel before I saw the movie, but for whatever reason I enjoy the movie a lot more. It did differ from it more than I remembered, but I liked the movie more. I can't explain it why, maybe I'm just a sucker for David Lean. I think that's likely, but then I liked "Doctor Zhivago" the book a lot better than the film.

"Truly, for some men, NOTHING IS WRITTEN unless they write it!" ~ Omar Sharif

