MovieChat Forums > The Deadly Spawn (1983) Discussion > Deadly Spawn 2? Check this out....

Deadly Spawn 2? Check this out....

Found that pic while google searching. I hear that there's an official sequel called "Metamorphosis" so I'm wondering if those are the creatures from that film. The big one looks like a revamped version of the mother creature from Deadly Spawn.



That is BS. This was in no way, shape or form ever intended to be a sequel. This was just a POS from 1990.



I finally ended up seeing Metamorphosis a while back and thought it was good. Of course Tara Leigh was my favorite part of the movie.


you should check out the new Synapse dvd, it is mentioned on it during the actors bio extras, and in a very old issue of cinescape when the film (metamorphosis the alien factor) is reviewed (well it wasnt out yet), it too mentioned how it was started as a sequel to the deadly spawn


Yes it was originally a sequel to The Deadly Spawn. Go buy 'The Deadly Spawn' DVD from Synapse Entertainment and listen to the producer's commentary. Metamorphosis was originally made to be a sequel to Deadly Spawn. However the distributors did not want the film to be connected to a low budget monsterfilm made nearly 10 years before that most people did not see.


Metamorphosis did indeed begin production as a sequel to Deadly Spawn. There was a write-up about it in an issue of Deep Red magazine. I haven't seen the film, so I can't comment on it.


I've seen that film, it's called Metamorphosis : The Alien Factor, and it's not a sequel to Deadly Spawn. It's just a horrorflick from late 80's, it's not bad but i've seen better ones. Music is best thing in it.


Oh my god!!! Are you people insane??? The deadly spawn was a classic gore fest B-movie that deserves its cult status. Metamorphosis (made 10 years later with a budget almost 10 times higher) is quite possibly one of the worst movies EVER!!! The effects are diabolical (plastercine models on sticks and rubber mechanical heads that don't work properly) acting that 4 year olds could do with more conviction and a script that is so laughably bad it had me cringing with disgust. How dare anybody mention this film in the same breath as the deadly spawn (better effects, story, acting, direction at a fraction of the cost) I'm all for cheap corny horror if it is done with good intentions but Metamorphosis was a BAD BAD BAD attempt to rob people of their hard earned cash for absolutely ZERO reward. I'm glad if flopped miserably, this film deserves shelving from the light of day FOREVER to protect people from EVER seeing it. Ahem! Rant over back to you lot ;-)


Oh, forgot to mention the sex scene where both parties are on the sofa making love WITH THIER CLOTHES ON?????? I rest my case.


none the less, it is mentioned when watching the deadly spawn with
director commentary that metamorphesis is an unofficial sequel.
and you'll notice that the one of the writers for spawn, Ted A. Bohus,
is a producer for metamorphesis.


Metamorphosis was actually made only 5 years after Deadly Spawn. It's just that with the legal mumbo jumbo, it didn't get released until 1993. And atthat time, these types of movies had run their course, so Metamorphosis went straight to video, with a few festival appearances.


to bad there wasnt a serious sequel to this movie.Remember at the very end of the movie it showed a mega huge spawn up on the hill?Wow,what a movie that would of made..a super huge spawn roaming the countryside eating everything in sight!!Wonder why there wasnt a sequel to that??I love "bad" good movies..sometimes all these mega super movies get boring after awhile and its great to have something to watch simple and scarey like this...another low budget one is "Nightfeeders"2006..great movie,sure you had computerized aliens not that good,but the mood was really scarey,enough gore to please without really going overboard(dont like overboard)and though it takes place mostly at night,I have the dvd you can see everything very clearly.The actors where down to earth,just like the rest of us without high class actors/actresses that sometimes can get boring..I love it.Scarey is more important to me then what the monster/alien looks like.Mood,sounds,lightening,etc.Much older movies scare me too if the mood of the movie is just right. This is a neat cool movie too!!Nina


Metamorphosis started production as a sequel to Deadly Spawn. I'll dreg up the Deep Red article and post the text.

