Bettys obscene anorexia

Why are there no comments on this obvious fact? Not here, nor on her own IMDb-page. She's even being "tributed" in some manner.

What the heck? The girl has no waist. I mean NO waist.

This was not ok in the eighties, but it was not an issue. But today. Yikes, don't you guys see how she looks?

I came on here and thought she would have died from anorexia, but she is still alive - Thank Goodness! But don't elevate her disgusting, svelte body, please!


Is this a joke? She had a nice body to me. Would I want it for myself? No, but there isn't anything wrong with hers. I feel like women were really slender in 80s movies, especially the ones who were supposed to be hot.

A bit of the old ultraviolence...


Might be she lost way too much weight, way too quick. She has flabby skin on her back, for f'sake, as if her own skin was two sizes too big. Not to mention those ribs with absolutely no muscle on it.

That's the difference between "slender" and "sickly": muscle. This girl has none. Veritable bag of bones.


I was 15 when I saw this movie in theaters and that's how most women looked. Nowadays it's socially acceptable for women to make pigs out of themselves. In the 21st century, fat is the new hot.


My iMDB profile


That's not what anorexia looks like.


LOL I am not a guy who loves skinny chicks but this girl was not anorexic, she was just thin. Far from being medically unhealthy.

"Cool will get ya dead." -Former NBA Power Forward, Karl Malone


It was bad enough though, rips sticking out badly. While most anorexia victims look like they were just liberated from auschwitz she merely looked liked she got freed from some other slave camp but really this isn't how people should look. To this day i don't understand how people find skeletons sexy or think the ANA-Movement is fully ok.


Her anorexia wasn't the worst I've seen but it was up there. For instance Maryam D'Abo (The Bond girl from The Living Daylights 3 years later,) had it far worse than Julie did but it was just the trend of those days. Nowadays women are more healthier but they are still encouraged to loose weight.

That being said her boobs and frame were oddly in perfect shape despite loosing all that weight. Her boobs were really perky, had nice shape, and didn't look to loose much from it. I wish she'd been perfectly healthy in her weight so we could have seen how she truly looked.

Also even though she was that skinny I'd still have banged her. Julie Montgomery in '84 was one of the more underrated actresses. She should have had a bigger career in some form of acting or modeling.


this is not anorexia. Bulimia possibly, but she had a strong physique. Her breasts looked like early 80s boob jobs. Skinny girl plus bad boob job equals Betty.
