Question about party

Was it the intention all along of the Alpha Betas and Pis to set loose the pigs at the nerds' party? It doesn't seem so considering they had no idea the Mus - and Booger's wonder joints - would save the day. Also, wouldn't the pigs have made their appearance when the Pis didn't make theirs?


Was it the intention all along of the Alpha Betas and Pis to set loose the pigs at the nerds' party? It doesn't seem so considering they had no idea the Mus - and Booger's wonder joints - would save the day. Also, wouldn't the pigs have made their appearance when the Pis didn't make theirs?

I'm sure it must have been their intention all along, considering that it would have taken some time to procure all those pigs, gather them in a truck, and then set them loose at the party.

It seems like it would be a rather expensive prank, to buy all those pigs just for a prank. The nerds could have gathered up all the pigs and sold them back to the farmer who sold them to the Alpha Betas. The farmer could have made a profit and the nerds could have gotten a nice piece of change as recompense.


When the pigs came in surprising them, they all got disgusted and reacted to chasing them out. That's what I would've done. Notice that Arnold even falls down during the attack?


I think it was their intention all along. Remember when Betty tells Stan that one of the Nerds asked her out. Ogre at first wants to go beat them up, but Stan has a big smile on his face and says I know just what to do.


Yes, it was the intention of them to do that. Maybe they were sort of watching the house to see what was going on. When they saw the Mus come over, they figured, "Better do something to the party." In fact, doesn't Burke say "We thought you could use some more pigs for your party Nerds."? The pigs he is referring to are the Mus that were there already.
