Dropping off the kids

I felt it was sort of odd that the parents (Louis's father and Wormser's parents) just dropped them off not much unlike they were taking them to grade school. Most especially for incoming freshmen this is usually a big deal. With Wormser being a child genius it seems even more odd that the school would not be rolling out the red carpet.


In the case of Louis' father, Louis was a grown man. He couldn't get to the dorm by himself? And I guess the reason they had to walk across the campus was that the dorm wasn't near a place where a car could go. As for Wormser's parents, here is what happens:
1. They were taking him to the freshman dorm, only to find out the freshman were all thrown out and moved to the gym.
2. They figured that since Wormser was smart, they didn't have to stick around with him and that once they dropped him off, he could take care of himself.
3. As to the school not rolling out the red carpet, it probably had to do with the attitude toward the nerds in the film at the beginning-they got no respect.


Or possibly:
4) You guys read way to much into movies. You could say the same thing about a hundred other "teen" movies: Not half as much crap would go down if there were adults/parents around.


I don't buy they could not get the car near the dorm. I went to a college that dates back to the horse and carriage days and you could take a car anyplace there. This was a place where students and faculty fought any modernization (other than utilities) to the campus. When the producers were finalizing their script they felt they were a gag light so they added this scene.


There used to be a time, that (most) parents didn't coddle every little move their kids made. Kids were raised to be independent beings. And once they were done with high school, kids were expected to be able to take care of themselves.


There used to be a time, that (most) parents didn't coddle every little move their kids made. Kids were raised to be independent beings. And once they were done with high school, kids were expected to be able to take care of themselves.

funny, my parents didn't even go along my first day of college... i rode the train with my bags, and my dad visited a few weeks later.

I drove myself to college, my mom never even came to visit me there (my dad had already passed away). I would go to visit her, but that was it. She came with me one time, before I started going there, just to see it.


dropping them off? why is that odd? he liked his son. maybe your dad didn't.

Season's Greetings


funny, my parents didn't even go along my first day of college... i rode the train with my bags, and my dad visited a few weeks later.

hell, neither of my parents ever even set foot in my high school.


It did kind of strike me that Wormser's parents were a little cold and uninvolved. I mean, child genius or not, he is still only twelve. Obviously it's a movie and part of the comedy is having this little kid hanging around in a raunchy college environment. But that is also what makes it a little unrealistic. Even if a kid Wormser's age is going to college, it seems unlikely he would ever live in the dorms. He would probably commute to classes each day. Does anyone remember the kinds of things that go on in a college dorm room, lol. And they're just going to let a twelve year old go there with no fanfare and let him be exposed to a gay guy in leotards doing aerobics every morning, a bunch of naked sorority girls and Booger dropping the F bomb in every other sentence As for Lewis not being dropped off at his dorm, again I assumed that was supposed to make the whole thing funnier how he and Gilbert had to lug that trunk all the way across the campus. I mean, his dad couldn't have parked at least maybe another ten feet closer to their building, even if he couldn't drive right up to it, haha.


I think his parents had to get back home to break ground on what would be the first Mc Mansion in their community in the new subdivision.



You're right, "helicopter parents" do everything for their kids, including enrolling them in college and setting up their dorm room. In 1984, college freshmen could easily handle every aspect of going to college themselves. Parents were much less involved.




I got up on the Saturday of freshman move-in. I had breakfast, threw my clothes in a clothes basket and a couple of duffel bags, carried my 19" inch TV out to my mom's car and off we went. Three hours later, we stopped in front of my dorm, I dumped everything out on the sidewalk, said I would call later and see her in a month, and that was that. That seemed to be the norm around me too. Maybe a parent would carry a bag up to someone's room, but it didn't occur to us or our parents to make a huge deal over it. Maybe a quick powwow at the car or up in the room, a few hugs and you were on your own.

This was in 1988, so fairly close to the time period of the move. What Lewis's dad did in the movie was pretty common, except that in real life your parent(s) would at least drive up to your dorm.


Wormser protested saying not to leave him there that way.

he left u NAKED in a DITCH!
