MovieChat Forums > Splash (1984) Discussion > 80s films are so much better than today'...

80s films are so much better than today's stuff

Don't know why but I really like films from the 80s and 90s much more than new stuff.

I just think they have great music and also not as much effects and stuff.
Another One I really liked was big.

I really don't know why this Tom Hanks film is not more well known on here as it seems very quite on this board.

But its still a great film.

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they still cared about acting & filmmaking. now it's just a product, 100%

Agreed, totally. From 2000 on there are occasional exceptions, but those are few and far between.


I agree. Some of my favourite movies of all time are from the 80s and 90s(ie. Amadeus, Goodfellas, Beauty and the Beast), and also the 30s-70s too(ie. Casablanca, It's a Wonderful Life, The Wizard of Oz, The Godfather). I do have some favourites from the 2000s too, don't get me wrong(ie. Toy Story 3, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Brokeback Mountain), but in general I prefer "older" movies. Just for the record, I love Splash, it's one of my favourites as it is so charming and beautiful.

"Life after death is as improbable as sex after marriage"- Madeline Kahn(CLUE, 1985)



I love films from the 80s.

I would love to see a network channel on TV broadcast films & TV-sitcoms exclusively from the 80s.


I lot of movies from the 80s are really cheesy but that's the charm of them including splash. Very cheesy but in a good way.


Totally agree with you guys...I'm 27 and all of my favorite movies are from '98 or before...

"This scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin, tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in..."


Films like this, still had a sense of magic, wonderment and innocent charm about them. Things in the 80's and even early 90's, were still relatively fresh and new and technology still in inceptive phases. We were still breaking out.


same here and thats because they had great imagination and they were thinking about movie not money :)


The 1980's mainstream film was mostly about blockbusters and juvenile crowd pleasers... not a terribly good time, especially compared to the 1970's. And good, interesting stuff still gets made - one usually just has to look for it a little harder.

&#x27;facts are stupid things&#x27; - Ronald Reagan


I agree OP the 80s and 90s movies are great movies and they were well thought out and planned. Today all I see is a bunch of remakes and its like the writers or whatever isn't taking their time with movies they seemed so rushed.


I am totally with you on that, I am nuts about stuff from the past (the 80's the most) but also further in the past. It had some great stuff but don't get me wrong there are some good stuff today.


Movies now use CGI as a crutch, so they don't have to focus as much on plot or acting. Star Trek the Next Generation is one example. The acting was lousy and it was too politically correct and the plots were stupid, simply because the FX were so much better that it drew attention.

My film professor in college (no I was not a film student, it was a required course) didn't like terminator 2 because he felt it was more of a remake than a sequel because the plot was so similiar, but audiences watched it and thought, "whoa, dude, look at those special effects!"

That's my theory.

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Agreed. 80's movies, if they weren't great, were at least enjoyable.

"The end of the shoelace is called the...IT DOESN'T MATTER!"


Its because we are all getting older and the typical movie is aimed at people in their teens and 20s. Plus a lot of plots and ideas are reused since the producers think that most teenagers haven't seen anything prior to 2000 or so. And for the most part they are right. My 23 year old son wont watch anything from the 80s because he thinks old = stupid and bad special effects.


I agree, I do like some of today's stuff but 80s and 90s movies are leaps and bounds better. I have so many movies that I love, I actually made a list of my favorites and I came up with over 500 so far. Looking at them so many are from the 80s and 90s. I have many I love from the 70s and some from the 60s as well. Today's stuff doesn't feel as gritty or as original, they don't seem to take as many risks. I sure would love another 10 years like we had in the 80s, to me the only way Donald Trump can "Make America great again" would be if he could give us the 80s one more time. Lol
