MovieChat Forums > Splash (1984) Discussion > Nudity in a PG movie?

Nudity in a PG movie?

So my friend and I just watched through this film as I havn't seen it since it was a child and were suprised with the ammount of nudity considering the movie is only a PG.

On many ocasions throughout the film (probably over 10 times) you can clearly see the mermaids boobs. What were they thinking when they rated this film? Did they just think that people wouldn't notice or something?


It's not titlating or sexual nudity and is completely within the context of the movie. It's perfectly fine for kids to see and is no big deal.

Seems some people are just hung up on the human body, even in innocent situations. Makes me wonder if western culture isn't going backwards because today even a covered nipple at a superbowl game is considered the end of the world by some idiots.




I believe PG-13 was not invented until the latter half of the 80s. But in this time (as you can see by Sixteen Candles) PG actually meant something back in 1984. Now it means very little. If Splash was to be released now it probably would be rated R due to the nudity. Shows how much the rating system has changed.

"Everything I do, I do it for you."


I believe PG-13 was not invented until the latter half of the 80s. But in this time (as you can see by Sixteen Candles) PG actually meant something back in 1984. Now it means very little. If Splash was to be released now it probably would be rated R due to the nudity. Shows how much the rating system has changed.

PG-13 actually was created in 1984. The first movies with the PG-13 rating were Red Dawn, Indiana Jones and the Temple Of Doom, Gremlins and The Flamingo Kid.


OKAY . . . Let's get a few things straight:

* The "PG-13" rating was introduced in August 1984. The first three released films were 'Red Dawn', 'Dreamscape' and 'Woman in Red'. The first film actually rated "PG-13" was 'The Flamingo Kid', however it was released after the release dates of the aforementioned films.

* Contrary to popular belief, 'Gremlins' and 'Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom' were NEVER rated "PG-13". They certainly helped fuel the fire for the creation of the (then) new rating. Both 'Gremlins' and 'IJ&TToD' were rated "PG" only. For these films to be re-rated, they'd have to be re-summited to the MPAA for consideration. These films were never re-submitted, therefore their current ratings stood and continue to stand.

* The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) rates films more on the grounds of context, then actual content. The nudity in 'Splash' received a "PG" rating based on it's context. The nudity was brief, non-sexual in nature and used as a story-point as part of the mermaid-lore of the character Madison. That's why 'Splash' got the rating it did in early 1984.

* NO! This film would NOT be rated "R" today. It would be a "PG-13" rated film based on the aformentioned criteria used by the MPAA to rate films. 'Splash' features non-sexual nudity briefly involving a mermaid character. The MPAA would take that into account and rate the film "PG-13" today (it's 2011 as of this writing).

There Ya Have It,
~ MC1
"The reservist formerly known as JO2"


The first movies with the PG-13 rating were...... Indiana Jones and the Temple Of Doom, Gremlins and....

Wrong! THE FLAMINGO KID & RED DAWN were the first 2 films rated PG13. RED DAWN was the first to be released in August 84', though it was the second rated. TEMPLE OF DOOM & GREMLINS, were the 2 films that instigated the the creation of the PG13 rating and were only rated PG, after concern about the stronger content of the films.

If SPLASH had been released in the latter part of 84', it is possible it could have been rated PG13, for its suggestive innuendos....although still relatively mild and the nudity is brief and contextual.


I remember hearing as a kid that Disney made Darryl Hannah wear band-aids over her nipples so that there wouldn't be any nipples. Whether or not that's true, I have no idea. I just re-watched after many years and although I was not paying full attention, I didn't see any nipples. I was more surprised with the use of G-ddammit...that would never make it into a G or PG movie today. At the time I think PG was the right rating - but today there would be no glimpses of even partial nudity or G-dammit if the studio wanted it to be rated and marketed as a family film.


This would definitely not be rated R today. The movie Titanic was rated pg-13, and it had far more nudity, and was far more sexual than Splash. Under current rating standards, brief non-sexual nudity typically earns a pg-13 rating.


Violence happens to be a big seller when it comes to testosterone filled shows and movies. Why do you think so many Sci-Fi, Fantasy or even Superhero movies become so successful?

Nudity on the other hand, is a time-and-place kind of thing. I don't recall having been taught sex ed in the 1st Grade. Mainly because exposing nudity to perpubesent children will ruin their lives in the future such as breaking curfews because of late-night bangings when they become teenagers and soon after either they
A. get an abortion because they refuse to take responsibility for their activities
B. they keep their product of such animistic behavior (AKA baby) and their college funds will be jeopardized in order to support it
or C. put it up for adoption so that TV and charities will make us donate to them.

Bottom line, nudity should never EVER be presented in a kids film. Yes, they are born nude. Yes, they takes baths nude. But that doesn't mean it should be paraded or hand-waved. There are reasons why we have indecent exposure laws and "PG" films such as this aren't exactly helping.



Sarcasm is not my game when it concerns showing your swimsuit areas to the underage demographic.




I'm serious. It doesn't make much sense to teach Sex Ed. to that age range because that can lead to all kinds of trouble for them.


"Violence happens to be a big seller".

So that's your argument for exposing kids to violence - that it's a "big seller"? LOL.

"Exposing nudity to prebubescent children will ruin their lives".

Pardon me, but... what an idiotic statement. That can only ever be so in case children are taught from an early age that there is something inherently terrible and filthy about the naked human form. As for "breaking curfews", apparently you're unaware that unwanted teenage pregnancy was around long before the motion pictures.

"There are reasons why we have indecent exposure laws".

There's a considerable difference between neutral, matter-of-factly asexual nudity and some weenie wagging pervert whose sole purpose is to provoke and shock, playing up the dirtiness of it all. Besides, when a kid is taught to regard nudity as normal, they're also less likely to respond with a shock to such deviants and therefore suffer less psychological damage.

'facts are stupid things' - Ronald Reagan


Do you strip down in the middle of a public area, in particular adjacent areas where underage children are common? Then your argument is weak at best. Because as I said NUDITY IS A TIME AND PLACE KIND OF THING.


I just watched this on Youtube and noticed that the little girl mermaid was cut out I guess because she was topless and the uploader was afraid of being accused of putting up what would be considered child pornography nowadays. Really sad.

...even in a valley without mountains the wind could still blow.


It's funny you should say that. My parents were fairly vigilant when it came to nudity and profanity in movies but we were always allowed to watch this. I agree with the other posters. I'm glad the censors at the time had the good sense to realise context.

Good guys may not finish last but they sure as sh*t don't finish first!


PG is parental guidance so the parent should watch it and fast forward or tell their kids not to look if it bothers them so much
When i was a kid i knew it was because she was a mermaid that she was naked so i guess they rated it PG at the time was because it didn't bother people that much then and now society has changed and so it bothers people even more so if it was made now it would be rater R



What about Kate Winslet in Titanic! That's only rated PG-13.


I went to see this movie when I was about 7 or 8 back in 1984 with my older Brother.Yeah,I got riuned by the scene were Darryl Hanna run up Liberty Island in the nude,not.Though I felt a bit naughty though.



You think posing for a painting nude is 'pornographic' and 'cheap'? Get out, please.



Daryl Hannah had an amazing ass back then.

Excuse me, where are you taking us?
What's in Mexico?


It's shown in a naturalistic way - after all, humans are not born with clothes on and mermaids traditionally don't have the clamshell bras Disney depicted.

'I've found so many fools, I'm surprised this planet's still turning! - Mr T.'


Oh, please, they flashed her buns for all of 2 seconds and she wore a flesh coloured bodysuit so her breasts weren't bared.

Excuse me--ya'll lookin' for a dead body??


Natural or innocent, call it what you will, when you're thirteen a tight sweater is sexual! Let's just say I probably wore out the VHS and it wasn't because the storyline was so incredible.

But I totally agree with the nudity vs violence hypocrisy. My favorite example is watching Starship Troopers on network television where they'll graphically show all sorts of dismemberment and violence completely unedited, but blur and cut the co-ed shower scene to pieces to protect our delicate sensibilities. Frankly I'd rather it were the other way around, but that would make Starship Trooper about a ten minute movie!


Most likely a double. She didn't show her boobs at all in this movie..she wore a bodysuit. There was absolutely no nipple action, trust me. LOL, I don't know what movie this person was watching.

Excuse me--ya'll lookin' for a dead body??


You are absolutely wrong I saw her nipples several times, so unless the bodysuit had nipples there was no bodysuit


You are wrong, my friend. No nips. Damn, are you that hard up? LOL

Excuse me--ya'll lookin' for a dead body??


I just saw most of this film recently, I passed by some the secondary story, and I have to agree that any time they showed her by the front she must have been wearing something that was skin toned. I believe it is a common practice. Depending on the lighting, the angle of the camera and the speed of action that is filmed it is something that can be hidden quite well and I am afraid that if you saw anything here it was your imagination.


I just watched an HD version of the film, and I saw at least five brief but clear shots of nipples, most of them underwater, including in the tank. Those who missed this either weren't paying attention, saw a cut version, or need a better TV.

There are numerous of examples of PG-13 or even PG rated movies with non-sexual nudity. One of the best examples is Doc Hollywood in which Julie Warner is topless in a very clear, extended, and relatively close shot.


Swimming into the sunken boat and in the tank. None during the bathtub scene.

"May the Force be with you."



Not skin-toned. Hair taped to her breasts for the Statue of Liberty scene.

"May the Force be with you."


