So far the best

There haven't been a lot of great female centric superhero movies yet. We've only had the '74 TV movie Wonder Woman, 2004's Catwoman, Elektra and of course this one. They've all failed which is why I think there haven't been many.

However I just watched the director's cut and while this film is heavily flawed with some terrible cringe worthy dialogue and plot holes, it's still a very fun movie with a likable heroine and side characters and a fun hammy villain in Faye Dunawaye's Selena. It has a nice fantasy, almost fairy tale type of atmosphere mixed with the comic book world. I also think it had great special effects for the time and it deepened the Superman world by showing us the inside of the Phantom Zone. It's too bad it failed so that we never got to see a sequel or Supergirl teaming up with her cousin in a Superman film, but I'm glad it lead to future work for Helen Slater being in Smallville and the Supergirl television series.

While next year's Wonder Woman looks quite epic and I believe Gal Gadot will do a fantastic job in the spotlight, this is the only decent female centric superhero movie right now and I think a lot of people should give it another look. Perhaps a bluray that includes a newly restored director's cut would help.


I think one reason for why recent female Superhero movies haven't been so well done lays in the fact that they take themselves WAY TOO SERIOUSLY. Yes, there ought to be an element of danger and whatnot. Save the day et al. However, I think treating the films like an internal thought rather than an objective adventure does them in. I have seen it all with that lousy Catwoman wannabe and Elektra. This new WW release looks boring, and why not? These Super hero Franchises are old hat now and they waited too long to have a female picture all to the woman. Should have seized the opportunity about 3 years ago and piggy-backed off of the Man Of Steel release.

The the Supergirl show has a LOT of potential but bad writing and direction and the cross-over element has destroyed that of ever being a good branch for the character. Alas this film remains a wonderful example of an exemplary approach to the character, if not for the character and her origins. here's to the film and it's merits. They have held well forsaking all else it has going against it.


Yeah, there is a degree of seriousness to the movie. Unlike all the other female Superheros that just get campy after a point, this one does employ some sort of degree of self containment that can be taken seriously, at least to a point. I agree. I have seen a lot of these types and "Supergirl" is by far the best.
