MovieChat Forums > Supergirl (1984) Discussion > 138 minute version on DVD

138 minute version on DVD

Is it only available in the 2 disc set ?! Or can it be purchased elsewhere?!


It was released very briefly on it's own a little while after the 2 disc set was released. It's a really great movie still, after all these years, it still makes me smile to watch it. All the improvements with movies and culture through the years, and this movie remains the same to me. I love this movie.

Ewing is my name, Oil is my Game!


Do you have any details of the release?! =]


According to Amazon, the two disc version from 2000 is the 125 minute International Cut... =sr_1_3?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1372332272&sr=1-3&keyw ords=supergirl.

The single disc version from 2002 is the 138 minutes Director's Cut, but lacks any special feature and is only in mono, 7Q/ref=sr_1_4?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1372332272&sr=1-4&am p;keywords=supergirl. I have this one.

- - - - - - -
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


The Anchor Bay 2-disc version features the 125 min "international" version on disc 1 and the 138 minute "director's cut" on disc 2. Disc 1 includes a commentary (Jeannot Szwarc and Scott Michael Bosco), a ton of trailers, still galleries and the original featurette that ran endlessly on HBO when the film was new. Disc 2 has no extras and opens with a disclaimer which states the 138 min version was then-recently found in a London vault, labeled "Do Not Use," and it contains some anomalies (I've read that Disc 2 is identical to WB's stand-alone release). There's also a booklet containing some photos, articles, and games from original promo materials (crossword puzzle, a maze, etc.).

I came here to see if it was on Blu-Ray yet, but clearly not. My luck, they'll end up putting the butchered US version on BD! Here's hoping that version never sees the light of day again... but it would be my luck.


It's really frustrating when the only high def releases we get of a film are the ones that have been cut to pieces. Who wants to pay for less of a film? It doesn't make any sense.

I can understand, to some degree, why films are cut for theatrical release. It's a business and they think long running times will scare people away. But if you're looking to pick up a film on Blu Ray, you obviously want AS MUCH of the film as you can possibly get.

We need to cut out the middleman. I'm tired of my entertainment choices being decided by some antiquated fools who don't understand the audience or the films they're hocking.



And a "Hear, hear!" for good measure.

Certa Bonum Certamen


i just ripped and converted my dvd of this version and uploaded it on to veoh here is the link
