MovieChat Forums > Supergirl (1984) Discussion > I really want to be in the vaults and ge...

I really want to be in the vaults and get that extra lost footage

Ah as a fan it pains me to know in the vaults where the extra superman 2 scenes were there is a reel with another 20+ mins of supergirl deleted footage :/

why can they not get it and even just add it as a extra on a new dvd set...or Blu-ray if this ever comes on bluray

I have the limited edition dvd set and tbh 99% of those scenes that they re-added were already in the UK version and in the UK tv version

the only 1 that I had not scene before was that chicken scene where she cooks it lol.

the rest like the flying ballet, and school matron seeing her in her supergirl outfit etc were always in our version.... god knows why they did not have that in the US release wonder it did not make sense for some people


Also I really want to see that deleted scene where selina turns the protest girl too ice and then she shatters that would have been great.

If anyone has the limited edition disc when selina is in the car with all her body guards etc and stops because of lucy and the protestors you see the girl/women with the sign infront of the car shouting etc then the camera skips to lucy shouting to selina..selina then tells the guards to get the protestors

and they get taken away and the girl is gone..but it is assumed she is just taken away with the others off camera..BUT the part that is cut is selina turns her too ice and shatters her

when we see the shot from inside the van where lucy is we see selinas car in the middle of the road...infront of the car is a giant wet puddle (notice how its sunny and very dry outside) her car drives off and through the puddle

DAMN this would have been great


Yeah. I've been trying to crack a secret plot to get into those vaults myself, for years now. Oops! I just posted that I was planning a break in. Looks like the managers at Pinewood are gonna see this post and intervene. LOL

Really though, it'd be nice. I'm sure the Ice Sculpture scene won't look at it's best, because it probably wasn't finished...I'm guessing. It would also be awesome to see Demi Moore's screen test for Lucy Lane as well.

When will you ever learn, this feeling is all you can discern?


Yeh maybe they did not finish the fx for it, but it would be good to release the dvd again and a bluray version with all the footage as deleted scenes in the extras menu, I don't see what they could lose from it, they wouldn't have to give the extras a HD treatment id see them in what ever state they were in tbh.

Also the scene where she cuts her hair using laser vision, 20-25 mins of extra stuff is a lot really, and I know if we saw it maybe we could see why it was not put in but id love it still.

Saying that they for some reason cut the main decent parts from the US release like when she lands and is testing her powers out and the flying ballet :/ that was the best scene in the movie for god sake haha


oh and if it was released on bluray other than the obvious of cleaning it all up making it look better and HD they need to remove the wires

they are in every scene just about where shes not on blue screen, it would not cost them that much to remove them


Guys, let`s complain first about this movie never being released into Blu-ray, which is a crime! Even Superman 3, 4, Batman & Robin, etc. were released in the format, but not SUPERGIRL which is a far better movie in my opinion.

Even if they did not have this material, they could at least create new ones, and improve our experience while watching the thing.

I suggest you start complaining here

Besides Warner...


I am appreciative of your affections toward this film georgewiggins. This film has always been one of my favorites, and finding people to support it and step in for it is rare.

About wires...that has to do with the cropping...the very LAZY cropping of the picture that was done poorly in the 2000 transfer for the DVD. Look at the waterfall moment in the flying ballet when she flies UNDER the bottom of the picture, or when, in the final scene, Lucy's chin is cut off at the bottom of the screen (jeez, where are visual aids when we need them). The picture was cropped for the transfer and was NOT in it's total wide screen. That said, all the mechanics that worked with hiding wires and whatnot were exposed. Sounds strange, but believe me. You didn't see them in the other versions (US Theatrical, Directors Cut) where the cropping was correct. The same transfer was re-transfered by WB in 2006, so there was nothing new to see, just a more shimmery shiny (yes it was a beautiful transfer...) version of what Anchor Bay already did.

WB was, on that note...VERY LAZY to not care enough to pay attention to the cropping detail, b/c they just wanted to cash in on it by simply releasing it because they KNEW fans demanded it as much. They will never roll out that respect for it though. Call me cracked but I think Criterion should do all of this. HELL! I'd finance the project myself if I could. I'd have taken care of it YEARS ago.

Then there are some smaller things as well, different shots and whatnot. Mainly the single shot, about two seconds at longest, while she is flying to the finale from the PZ, and we, in the US Theatrical, see a side shot of Kara flying through a starry portal, part of what she is flying through when she shoots toward the screen at us. You can hear the cut in the music on this with the Directors Cut and European versions. Something small, not much, but it would sure be nice to have that little detail reinstated.

Also in the vaults...BLOOPERS! I read an interview with Helen from a magazine...probably Starlog, about funny little things that were in the bloopers, ie- when she swoops down to graze the pond before soaring out into the open during the flying ballet. Helen says there was one take where they swung her too low and plummeted her into the pond. Funny things like that would be GREAT to see.

When will you ever learn, this feeling is all you can discern?


Thank you for this I love reading posts from fans of the movie, id love the bloopers too, and since they obviously filmed the scene where the girl gets frozen to ice that would be good even if all these things were in standard low quality def id love it


If Warner is going to release Supergirl on Blu-ray someday I really hope they don't mess with the image like they did with the Superman movies.

See more here: -please-stop.html


hmm I don't see what you mean because the bluray versions have way better and more realistic colours, the others and the dvd bersions look way too dull and they were not that dull looking in the cinema either

that's only happened due to them not cleaning the original print up for digital transfer.

when it comes to Blu-ray 9 times out of 10 you get the correct colour and details that were meant to actually be there.

TBH if supergirl came to bluray I can bet it will be a bog standard basic transfer with hardly any clean up.

In my dream world they would totally restore the picture, fully clean it up, also spend a little money on removing the wires, on the old vhs versions because they were not clear picture wise you could not tell as much but as soon as it came to dvd wow you can see wires in every flying scene that was not blue screen.

it would not cost a lot to remove them, they have done this in loads of movies, hell I remember them doing a lot of work on the old nightmare on elm street movies when they went onto dvd for the 1st time, on the 3rd movie you could see the stage lights above so they extended the wallpaper on the wall to cover them, and in the 4th movie when freddy picks alice up and throws her across the church they removed the wire that was holding and flying her..i say wire because it was just 1 BUT it was actually a really thick wire almost like it was rope haha

but that was removed so they can easily do the same with supergirl

AND have all that other missing footage as extras on the bluray


I am sorry that I came so late in this post. I used to post here religiously about this gem of a picture.

Regarding the footage in the vaults - yes it's still there. One thing I haven't seen mentioned in this thread that should be, is that there were MANY other exchanges in which Kara, as Linda Lee, becomes Supergirl, and vice versa. I believe Helen and Jeannot have both confirmed this.

Script wise - there were allegedly lines of dialogue that dealt with showing Kara in a more supremely heroic manner ("I bow only before truth and justice" was one).

I personally think that, since we're talking about the longer version of the film here, it was probably hard to cut because Faye Dunaway portrayed Selena in two ways - a funny caricature, and an evil minded sorceress. She could be both, but the balance was hard to find. It is for this reason that people are so divided by her performance. Some love it, others hate it. Those who love it state that she played the hell out of it (she did! ). Those who hate it state that she was just being over the top - in which they are only referencing the funny lines of dialogue that she put her own comic spin on.

I'm sure a longer version of this film would add more balance - but the effort to sit through at least 150 minutes of it would seem a bit of a painstake for SOME people (not I!)

"All I want in life is a thirty share and a twenty rating."


oh I would love to sift through all the footage, hell id do it for free being a big fan.

personally as a whole I think faye's portrayal of selena was fitting with the movie we got. Look at it this way im damn glad dolly parton said NO to playing selena because she did not want to play a witch.

But yes the movie could have been a lot better, if i had my way i would not have had selena in it at all or if i did i would have just made her more evil, make the movie a bit more darker.

The effects work was not too bad, there were a lot of things..simple things that could have been done to make parts not look as bad, like the invisible monster smashing through selena's wall, we could see the shape of the monster already cut out because the material covering the wall blew out the shape with the wind showing it...that was simple to fix, also some of the miniature work was not good, supergirl flying into the sky with the lamp post that miniature of her was horrid, same with argo city.

And something that always drives me nuts and i wonder why on earth they did not retake this flying shot but when supergirl is flying fast towards selenas new castle/mountain when we come to Helen/stunt double on wires flying towards the camera past the people and traffic jam she sways sideways while flying forward...why they did not retake that i do not know..maybe no time :/


the problem of extra footage was that Dunaway was truly on the screen and that was a huge catastrophe for the movie because she was horrid in every sense.


I suppose it could be a blessing in disguise for people who don't like dunaway that supergirl flopped because it more or less ended what was left of her career

I think she was banking on this being as big as superman to revive her career haha
