Good movie

This is a good movie and stands on its own merit. If there was no superman people would be ok with this movie. Helen and Faye did an amazing job at their roles.

I think the movie could have been better if the storyline was explained better , and if the woman won't fighting over a dumb man .

Perhaps Selena doomed the world and casted a huge black shadow over the world and made every human being love her, hence becoming zombies . She unleashes evil and world domination and sets to destroy supergirl and Argo city . Hence , supergirl has to retrieve the ball thing while taking out Selena.


Instead also Selena is from Argo city and stole the ball thing as she fell out with zalter. Kara stopped her initial plans and hence Kara threw the ball out in order to stop Selena. Hence Selena went to earth and put Argo city in a deadly slumber , and zalter was banished as they thought he was evil. Supergirl was peotected by zalter in a special cocoon that resisted selena's power . And supergirl went to retrieve the ball and stop Selena from owning the universe .


This movie is beyond horrible and you should feel horrible for supporting it. I think the writer and director were on shrooms when they made this..


In fairness to the writers and directors, Christopher Reeve's deciding not to make a cameo, they had to made changes. Granted many of them were not good.

Selena should have been just a villain who wanted to take over the world or something close to it. The love triangle was not needed.

I liked it still. True it was not perfect but it was OK.


It's a good movie. It's not perfect, but it's good, and it's intentions for being the movie it tried to be give it a polish and shine that Superman III, IV, Returns, and Man of Steel will never have.

Ewing is my name, Oil is my Game!


No movie is perfect, but a movie with good intentions and a well done cast and crew will beat the efforts of most other films no matter how it was put together. I'd say this film is pretty terrific on those levels. I love it it myself, though it might stumble in parts. What can I say? It's too darn charming sometimes

Come, Fly the teeth of the wind!



I agree, it was a great movie and glad others like it. there is so much to admire in this film, they get everything right in this film by keeping it light and moving, whereas the Superman movie (1978) was heavy and slow.


I liked it. It was good. But not great.


Sorry but if you think this is actually a good movie, then you're setting the bar extremely low. At best one could say they found the movie satisfying, despite its innumerable flaws.

Personally I wouldn't even say that though. I liked it as a kid, but having just watched it again as an adult, I can really see how bad it is. I'd rate it a 4/10, at best.

