MovieChat Forums > Supergirl (1984) Discussion > Jimmy should have been the love interest

Jimmy should have been the love interest

In this movie, they stick Supergirl with a completely bland obligatory male love interest. It occurred to me recently that in the comics, Supergirl doesn't really have a default love interest like some other characters (even Batgirl usually gets paired with Nightwing.) The closest thing I could think of was on the animated series, where the writers attempted to ship her with Jimmy Olsen, which worked fairly well. Then I remembered: Jimmy is also in the movie. And he doesn't really do anything. It would have been fascinating if they made Jimmy the primary love interest for the movie, basically putting him in the Lois role opposite Kara (and giving Mark McClure a fun little reward for being the only actor to appear in all five films.) Then put Lois' sister Lucy (who is also in the movie and doesn't do much) in Jimmy's sidekick role, achieving a pretty good gender-flip of Superman's supporting cast. It wouldn't have saved the movie (no single thing could), but it might have been cool.


I thought Marc McClure was good in Supergirl as Jimmy Olsen, but I was more than satisfied with Hart Bochner as Linda's love interest!


I'd have liked an Olsen/Supergirl relationship in the comics or in a movie.
