Selina Phantom Zone

One thing puzzles me. How did Selena know about The Phantom Zone?


It is strange. I guess one could say that the dark powers that she was able to tap via the Omergaheddron may have revealed the Phantom Zone to her as a way of ridding herself of Supergirl. But really, the term Phantom Zone was thrown in to the mix because it was popular in the Reeve movies, nothing more. I think they should have cut the whole Zaltar thing and instead just had Supergirl banished to some dark dimension from the realm of shadow. That would have made more sense in regards to Selina being the one to banish her there, I think. Using the term "Phantom Zone" to describe this place just muddled the plot, as this was not in any way what the Phantom Zone was like in the minds of viewers thanks to the Reeve Superman films, which this was clearly a continuation of.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
