MovieChat Forums > The Terminator (1984) Discussion > Rate + Rank All The Terminator Franchise...

Rate + Rank All The Terminator Franchise Films

Ranking The Terminator Franchise Films-
1. Terminator 2: Judgement Day-10/10
2. Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines-8/10
3. Terminator Salvation-8/10
4. The Terminator-8.5/10(Maybe 9/10)
5. Terminator Genisys-5.5/10
6. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles-7.5/10

IMO Terminator 2 is One of the greatest Action Movies ever Made

Terminator 1 is IMO The 2nd best overall film in The Franchise, But I enjoy watching Rise of The Machines and Salvation more

Terminator Genisys was a Epic failure, Just A Total Creative Failure....IMO The idea never should have gotten based the "What If" stage....But if they were dead set on making this film and doing A Reboot like "Star Wars 2009"....IMO The only possible way it could have Maybe worked was you needed to get A Great Director....Instead they got an awful Director in Allen Taylor


Terminator 1 and 2 are equal and both a 10/10. Terminator 3-8/10 Terminator Genesis I actually like because it's something I have wanted to see since I was a kid. Reese having to team up with a Terminator. It was fun but not as good was what came before. Terminator Salvation is a 5/10 because I really didn't like the way the machines looked and I also hated how the majority of action scenes happened in bright daylight. Also didn't like the Marcus character and him being a hybrid of human and Terminator. I did like Sarah Connor Chronicles a lot. 8/10
It's so unfortunate it ended up not doing well.


1. Terminator 2: Judgement Day - 10/10
2. The Terminator - 10/10 (I feel T2 is superior in many ways but this one is still a magnificent film)
3. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines - 7.5/10
4. Terminator Genysis - 6/10 (a misfire, yes, but I find it more watchable than Salvation. Plus, I think it has its good moments)
5. Terminator Salvation 5/10

Didn’t see much of the Sarah Connor Chronicles. Must revisit it.

I have a good feeling about the upcoming movie btw. I’m excited.


(a misfire, yes, but I find it more watchable than Salvation. Plus, I think it has its good moments)


How did you feel about The Arnold vs Arnold fight...?

for me, This fight perfectly illustrates why and how this film failed.

The Arnold Vs Arnold fight could have and should have been an iconic moment...In a way The entire promotion of The movie was build of this moment/fight....

I remember listening to Podcasts about 9 months before the film came out, and someone who read the script, was giving Hints and The one thing he said was, "There is a moment in This film Near the beginning, That if done right, could be An Iconic scene/Movie Moment" He later revealed it was the Arnold Vs Arnold fight

I remember reading articles where people were Gitty talking about, picture this "You know in The Terminator when Arnold is sent back in time in 1984, You know that awesome sequence.....Now Picture that exact same scene taking place, ONLY OLD Arnold is waiting for him"

The first trailer was entire sold on This sequence...It is what was Promoted most

and IMO (and from what I've read most agree) almost everyone considered it bad....for me It was one of the most poorly shot and executed action sequences ever

I get that there are Limitations due to the CGI being used....But This is my point, There have been other Movies do similar things and Have way better success, Hell In 2001(14 years before TG was made, A Jet Li movie came out Called The One and at the end He fights himself in a 5 Minute pretty damn good action sequence)

IMO the failure of the scene 100% fall on The director....He took what could have been An ALL TIME iconic scene and shot it so poorly there probably wasnt 1 person thinking about the scene 45 seconds after it ended...

I mean This was Arnold Vs Anorld were talking about, A chance to put A New Twist on an Iconic scene from The Terminator(an All time great movie)....and IMO I'm not sure it could have been done worse

what are your thoughts on the scene


I don’t disagree with your criticism of it. While I must admit that I greatly enjoyed the sequence the first time around (I was feeling the hype for it), I definitely found it to be a disappointment after seeing it a few more times. Sure, I can’t say I completely dislike it - I’d probably still consider it a cool sequence in its own right - but it was unarguably mishandled in every possible way and you can’t help but feel underwhelmed by it once the whole thing ends. It just failed to live up to anyone’s expectations.

You know, I would say it is almost like the sci-fi/action equivalent of the Batman vs Superman showdown in Dawn of Justice. What could’ve and should’ve been....


1. Terminator 2: Judgment Day - 10/10
2. The Terminator - 10/10
3. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines - 6/10
4. Terminator: Salvation - 5/10
5. Terminator: Genisys - 5/10

I only saw the first couple episodes of The Sarah Connor Chronicles when it first aired and I don't think I will ever go back and finish the rest
