MovieChat Forums > The Golden Girls (1985) Discussion > Did Dorothy have bad breath?

Did Dorothy have bad breath?

I remember Dorothy wondering if her breath was bad when dating Glen O'Brian and then in the Grab That Dough episode, she says she could kiss Sophia. Sophia says 'not until we locate a toithbrush'. I understand she was probably referring to morning breath, but I also notice how in the last episode, I think, when Dorothy is huddled with the girls and she is looking down as she speaks,almost to avoid speaking directly into their faces. Interesting thing, I noticed, that's all.




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Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


Well, eating Sophia's Italian cooking (probably heavily laced with garlic) might have led to a problem with halitosis, LOL.


Lol I think you may be on to something.


With Glen O'Brien, she was verbalizing what many people might think when preparing to be intimate with someone, and in the gtd episode, they lost their luggage, so something tells me that none of their breath was particularly fresh at that moment.

"Great theater makes you smile. Outstanding theater may make you weep."


She also belches in people's faces after eating omelets


It was a Spanish omelet.


We also know that she used to smoke. That is a sure cause of bad breath.


I've noticed that her teeth are gross looking. They look black.
