MovieChat Forums > Growing Pains (1985) Discussion > Just saw the one where Ben called a sex ...

Just saw the one where Ben called a sex line 67 times!

They show reruns here pretty late at night and I was having trouble getting to sleep so I had the show on. Anyway, it was the episode where Jason was going through the phone bill and it showed someone called a sex line 67 times. At first he blames Mike and then Ben confesses it was him. But then to get a trouble Ben says his friend Chris did it.

Anyway, I felt so bad for that kid Chris. He was totally innocent in the whole thing and not only does his friend stab in the back by lying and saying he did but then Jason calls his parents. So then the poor kid kid gets a really hard spanking-it was so hard the poor kid couldn't sit on Jason and Maggie's couch the next day because his tush hurt so bad.

They should have spanked Ben for calling that number and blaming his friend, an innocent person who had suffer for something he didn't do.

Anyway I ended up feeling bad for Chris and hating Ben in that episode.

And boy did it bring back memories of when I would get spankings back in the day when parents could still spank their kids.


Where are you located?

Ben was always a sneaky character.


Ooh! And then Chris' dad tells him that he's wasted his "Get Out of Jail Free" re: the spanking by not accepting Ben's "apology."


My dad was the type that liked to spank "bare bottom" so one time when he was about to spank me, down came the pants and I ran out the house, he couldn't chase me because his pants were around his ankles. ah, good times.

Now get a life losers.

I would like to go back in time and kill the idiot who created the term "reimagining."




That was pretty funny.

"That's like putting your whole mouth right in The Dip!" - Seinfeld
