MovieChat Forums > Growing Pains (1985) Discussion > Why did Growing Pains bomb on Nick at Ni...

Why did Growing Pains bomb on Nick at Nite and DVD?

Why do you guys think this show has been bombing in syndication since the 90's?

It bombed on Nick at Nite's schedule and was quickly removed from the network. They released the first season on DVD and it bombed horrendously hard -- never made it past season 1.

Why is it that shows like Roseanne, I Love Lucy, The Golden Girls, etc., have been a huge success in syndication and DVD sales, while Growing Pains and Gimmi a Break both bombed hard?

Facts of Life beat Growing Pains on Nick at Nite. That was one of their top rated shows in the early 00's, but things seemed to have died down for that. That didn't do well on DVD either.

No love left for Growing Pains?

What do you think helps a show pass that generational gap into mass appeal? Growing Pains didn't make it, and it did well in the ratings when it originally aired.

I understand Roseanne, The Cosby Show, and I Love Lucy all kicked its ass in the ratings, and the Golden Girls was a top rated show, but why didn't Growing Pains (a popular enough show) make it out of that 80's time capsule into a worldwide appeal?

Roseanne was during the same time period and is still shown all over the world and talked about today.



Who knows. I really don't think Kirk's religious beliefs had anything to do with it. A lot of great shows have bombed on DVD. Like Boy Meets World. Growing Pains has been in syndication for so long that I think people have became almost sick of it. I would never buy it on DVD because I've seen every episode a million times. Also, no special features.


Well, a big part of Growing Pains' success back then was driven by Kirk Cameron's status as a MAJOR teen heartthrob. The plotlines and other characters were good and funny, but the whole show really was a platform for Kirk and his looks and charisma. I was a tween when this show was on in the late 80s and I remember how smitten all of us girls were with Kirk Cameron. There was this big thing of girls taking sides between Michael J. Fox from Family Ties (who was a mega hearththrob) and Kirk Cameron, who was the upstart hearththrob hot on Michael J. Fox's heels. I bought all the magazines like Tiger Beat, 16, and Bop, and Kirk was really HUGE. A lot of the viewership for the show was solely because of Kirk, and so now many years later....Kirk has gotten older and is no longer a hearthrob and his young female fanbase got older as well, he's shown his true colors as an extremist Christian wack job, stories have been told about how his extreme faith alienated the cast members....and so people's memories of the show have been tainted by those revelations.

It makes me sad that the seasons of the show haven't been released on DVD...I'd really love to watch Season 3 again, especially the Hawaii trip episodes.

"I'm a mannequin. That's what I am, I'm a mannequin." -The Twilight Zone


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Oh yeah and I'm still waiting for that evidence, Dan.

I love God.
He's my favorite villain



"I know and it's not evidence.. it's 100pct fact."
Wait, what? If it's not evidence, that what does it matter whether or not it's factual? I mean you could say "The sky is Blue." That's 100% factual but it doesn't count as evidence for your thesis, so why bother?

"It takes time to come up with as much detail as you want. I don't know the passages by heart like a lot of people do, so I have to do a lot of research to find them."

What are you talking about? It's the bible, there are limitless resources on it. Besides we were only talking about Revelation, that's like 13 pages. Seriously you can't read 13 pages in three weeks?

"It's not like I have a chance of convincing you anyways."

Well, not with that attitude you don't

"I'll be posting soon."

Tick tock tick tock

I love God.
He's my favorite villain


No one cares if he believes in God, dude. Quit sounding like a psycho.

No one likes religious views pushed in their faces. It usually does more harm than good.

And if Kirk wasn't sucfh a hypocrite, people wouldn't hold so much against him. He claimes to be such a stead fast Christian, but when he found out Julie McCough(sp) used to be a Playboy bunny YEARS before, he demanded that she be fired and written out of the cast. If Jesus can accept Mary Magdalin, but he can't accept Julie, he has some serious problems; not the least of which being the fact that he's a control freak.


There is nothing wrong with Kirk Cameron's beliefs. You nasty people who constantly complain about his religion are just mad because you KNOW it's true and that bothers you because if you believe in God, you would have to stop doing all the terrible, nasty things you do

Ummmm, NO but nice try. We absolutely do not believe in your fairy tale god. As for doing all the terrible nasty things, I have witnessed more christians who fit this description than any non-christians.

"Once you give up integrity, the rest is a piece of cake" JR Ewing


Agreed. More evil has been done 'in the name of God' than for any other reason.

I won't say He's a fairy tale God because I myself am part Christian. But sadly, I agree with more of what atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, Taoists etc. say than most hypocritical Christians with their heads up their butts.


I am sorry to have to smack you in the face with the knob of reality, Danny, but every single one of your claims is absurdly wrong. Not just wrong like two plus two equals ten, but wrong like prolonged exposure to the sun is good for your skin.

The real scientific community has a very rigid and formal manner with which it determines whether a theory is sound. It subjects the theory to rigorous experiments that either confirm or falsify the theory by having certain results. Not only have Darwin's theories withstood such testing, they have consistently done so for the best part of two centuries. The Biston betularia moth is but one example where evolution in response to environmental conditions has occurred right before the observers' eyes. Others include any moment when the AIDS virus is viewed under a microscope.

Kirk Cameron is a contemptible person who desires to halt or reverse the same scientific progress that he could not have lived so long or made a single dime in his past trade without. Assuming for a second that the heaven you speak of exists and admits persons like him, no sane person wants a bar of it. My heaven is one where I get to watch people like you and Kirk struggle to survive without the things your current standard of living depends upon. Good day.

Tom Cruise drikk dovatn!


People bring up Kirk's religion as a reason, but the problem I have with this is that many actors do things people don't generally approve of or like, and people still flock to their movies or watch their shows. Charlie Sheen is a total wack job, allegedly abuses women, and people still watch Two and a Half Men. I don't watch it, but I'll watch Growing Pains. I don't think Kirk's religious beliefs have much to do with turning people off of GP. But it's possible, because people are weird lol. I mean, they didn't push religion in the show itself, so I can't see why it would bother anyone unless they are totally anti-Christian or anti-religious and hate anyone that is. Too bad they can't look beyond that hate and just appreciate a darn good sitcom lol.

Extremely religious people of any religion sometimes turn me off, because they often don't practice what they preach. Like all the priests, rabbis, and others who've been arrested for abuse. I know a woman who is always preaching about God and the bible, but she doesn't have a clue about those because she and her family are horrible people, hypocrites. But I've never heard anything particularly bad about Kirk other than people find him to be really annoying, so I have no problem with him or his beliefs. It doesn't taint the show for me. If it came out that he was a wife-beater or something, then yeah, that would kind of spoil things.

I feel the same way like you said, it was mostly popular with young girls who loved Kirk. I liked him at the time too, otherwise I wouldn't have watched the show at all as a kid. I remember him in all the teen magazines too. It was a fun time, but, apparently a lot of people don't feel nostalgic for this particular show. I like it, I wish at least seasons 2 and 3 would've been released on dvd...

Anything I could have said I felt somehow that you already knew


The problem with your arguments starts with this statement:

"I mean, they didn't push religion in the show itself, so I can't see why it would bother anyone unless they are totally anti-Christian or anti-religious and hate anyone that is."

The problem is, it DID alter the show. Mike was always a playboy. he took three girls with him to the Winter formal, dated multiple girls at one time on several occasions (but it was slightly okay, because he never cheated. They always knew about the other girls.) and Mike was engaged to the character Julie McCough(sp) played. He was desperately in love with her, and she him, but when Kirk has his religious awakening, he demanded that the show, as a whole, be altered; centering on writing out Julie because the actress used to be a Playboy bunny, causing the perfect couple to break up because of bullcrap that had NOTHING to do with the show.

And if Kirk wasn't such a hypocrite, people wouldn't hold so much against him. He claims to be such a stead fast Christian, but when he found out Julie McCough(sp) used to be a Playboy bunny YEARS before, he demanded that she be fired and written out of the cast. If Jesus can accept Mary Magdalin, but he can't accept Julie, he has some serious problems; not the least of which being the fact that he's a control freak.

I think what you're having issues grasping is this: a lot of fans DO loose interest over zealous religious freaks. Tom Cruise, whereas he's still popular, lost a LOT of popularity because of his actions. He started making a LOT less money RIGHT after the Scientology stuff started; and even more after his couch jumping on Oprah.

And the fact that Kirk is one of the main reasons for the loss of attention to GP is proven, because there are SO MANY messages posted on this thread from us Mike fans, saying that's why.

If you ask 'Why do tigers eat meat?' and a bunch of tigers walk up to you, explaining exactly why they eat meat, only a fool argues with them.


Nice try, but comparing the sins of one person to the sins of another in order to make one seem less contemptible is in itself a fallacy, and a style of argument that frequently backfires.

Let us accompany your line of argument to the end, shall we?

The number of times that Carlos Irwin Estévez has told anyone, leave alone the public at large, that his life is an example to follow or worthy of admiration would be very few. If any. Not only that, but he has never attempted to influence the political and educational levels of the society he lives in. Members of his family have, but in a positive way.

Cameron, on the other hand, seems to regard spreading scientific disinformation and sh it-canning co-stars careers because he is butt-hurt over people not spitting his own mind back to him as noble.

I will gladly let Charlie Sheen go apesh it in my home before I so much as urinate on a burning building full of Kirk Camerons (and do not get me started on his sister).

Tom Cruise drikk dovatn!



It's really hard to enjoy Growing Pains when all that you want to do now when Kirk Cameron is onscreen is punch him. Tracey Gold's anorexia (which is why she had to miss half of the final season), the knowledge of Andrew "Boner" Koenig's suicide as well as co-creator/executive Steve Marshall getting caught w/ child pornography, doesn't help.


But people still watch shows like Two and Half Men that stars a really obnoxious actor, who's done way worse. I don't think that has anything to do with it. There is nothing religious in the show itself, so not many people would seem to care about that.

Anything I could have said I felt somehow that you already knew


That's qhy I'll never buy it. I don't want to support him. I'll sooner torrent and download it. ^_^


I think this is also the reason why the growing pains dvd's were not released. Only the first season and there wasn't enough interest. I grew up watching Growing Pains and thought Kirk was a pretty cool guy but now he's just a freak and I don't have as much respect for him anymore. It's hard to watch those episodes without imagining him as a lying, jesus freak.

"Once you give up integrity, the rest is a piece of cake" JR Ewing




I have often thought that it's because there is just so much on TV today, compared to back in the Pre-90's and I think kids and young people are watching a lot of cable channels. There are shows running on Cable channels, right now, that I had never heard of or watched. With that kind of competition, it's kinda hard to re-release something that has already been on for 20 years.... I'm old-fashioned, I guess, because except for a couple of shows, like Smallville, everything I watch today is on CBS, NBC or ABC and I love to watch the old reruns from yesteryear.. I don't understand how people have time to checkout the Cable channels for shows, when there is so much great TV on the main 3 channels.. But, Ain't that America, 600 channels and growing...
Bill Steward


In my opinion this show is just "too" dated and a newer audience is just unable to relate to it. This television show just SCREAMS 80s. Nothing is the same as it was back in the 80s. I don't think Kirk Cameron and his religion is to blame .. look at Tom Cruise or John Travolta and their wild Scientology beliefs .. people still watch their movies and like them as actors.

I agree that Full House is very safe for children and families, and it's always been a guilty pleasure show for the last 20 years even though most people have probably seen every episode 2-3 times each.

Roseanne still appeals because people (those who watched it when it was new, and a newer audience) can still relate to it. Personally, I have always hated the show.

The Nanny (who knows with this one?) Perhaps it's just entertaining, it's not really about what society was like back then. In reality the nanny could be happening now.

I Love Lucy is just iconic though this show has fallen off TV almost completely compared to earlier in the decade and the 90s.

Everybody Loves Raymond is slightly outdated though not extremely and was one of the best shows of the early to mid 2000's.

Friends is probably one of the best sitcoms in modern history, and definitely the best of it's kind. Though even this show is becoming more and more dated but I definitely think it will hold it's place on TV.

I don't even see the Cosby Show anymore, I think it's going to run into the same problems as Growing Pains ... it also screams 80's but deals less with what was going on outside of the house. It was more about the children and Dr.Huxtable with the children.

I've noticed that TVLand has put on Bewitched and I dream of Jeannie .. though these shows are very mildly entertaining I wish they could choose better ones.

Oh and George Lopez? WTF, wish this show would disappear as well as My Wife and Kids (Nick at Nite). I started watching Boy Meets World over the last 4-5 months since it has been on ABC Family .. this show is BORING! and actually quite annoying now that I am an adult. There is absolutely no substance to this show.

Unfortunately, a lot of the good shows from the past are just too old now .. and networks like TV Land, TBS, and Nick at Nite are wanting to keep their scheduling modern (as much as they can). What sucks about that, is we have had very few truly GREAT sitcoms/tv shows over the last 20 years which is why we keep seeing the same ones over and over again (Full House, Seinfeld, Everybody Loves Raymond, Roseanne etc etc). The generation is changing.


In case you didn't notice, most of John Travolta's movies have bombed since then. Old Dogs did even worse than Road Hogs. Tim Cruise is paid a LOT less per movie than he used to be, and his movies make less money.

I agree with you on Full House, as well as Roseanna, and I too, hate the show and always have. I also agree with what you said about the Nanny and I Love Lucy, though I don't think ELR is that dated. Friends is fantasic, and I hope it always will be. You spoke my own thoughts on Bewitched and I dream of Jeannie, as well as The cosby Show.

Sorry, though. I love Boy Meets World. There are reasons the show went on for so long. but I think the reason why you can't see that isn't your fault. Most of us fans started watching it as a teen soap opera. We liked it because we were young. We like it now because it's nostalgic. If I watched it for the first time now, I probably would think it was tween dribble and annoying.

My wife and kids is silly and always has been. George Lopez is funny, but I only watched it when there was nothing better on.


They released the first season on DVD and it bombed horrendously hard -- never made it past season 1.
My opinion is that the 1st season of Growing Pains was the worst. The rest of the show was great I think. I would purchase the other seasons if given the chance but so far we haven't been given the chance.


Yes, season 1 is by far the worst. Season 7 was next in line. But all the ones in the middle (2-6, for those not counting) were amazing.


The oply good thing about the last season was Luke Brower. Yay for Leonardo's acting roots!


Season 1 wasn't horrible, but it just isn't good enough to really hook people. With many shows, it takes more than a season to really settle into a groove. GP was one of those. I didn't think 7 was as bad as you say, but then I looked up the season and aside from the mawkish series finale, I didn't find a single episode in there that I liked.

It really sucks that used to have most of the episodes available to watch online (although in rather bad quality) but has yanked almost all of them, leaving only five episodes right now.


They released the second season on closed circuit, but it didn't go much better...


The big reason is that there are a lot of small independent local networks (mostly upstart religious based ones) that pick up the broadcast rights on shows like Growing Pains Full House Family Ties and many other family friendly 80's sit-coms from the bigger network affiliates at really cut rate prices because the affiliates have syndication prints of them lying around in their vaults gathering dust and taking up space.

It never helps a show when it's been in constant syndication for much longer than it was originally on the air because people just become used to seeing it and begin to ignore it.

"Fools and prophets from the past
Life's a stage and we're all in the cast"
(Ozzy Osbourne)


I only ever watched a few episodes of this. I actually would like to watch it again. I didn't have luxery of watching whatever I wanted as a kid. My parents got rid of cable when I was 9 or 10 and since then I've not been able to watch a lot of reruns of things. I can only see what is on dvd through now since I don't feel like paying for cable or satilite or whatever.
Plus I really can't since I only work part time and live in a place that is based off my income. I am already paying $25 a month for internet and $17 a month for netflix. I can't believe that boy meets world bombed on dvd. it was such a popular show when I was growing up. It's hard to believe that something as unpopular as Saved by the Bell the new class is on dvd and something as popular as Growing pains isn't.

Whoevr is bitten by a werewolf and lives becomes a werewolf himself.


Probably due to the horrible last season or two when the Luke charecter was added and fans didn't forget that,and probably just never will.And the fact that there was just way too many changes in the show as well that year.Carol gone throughout the year was a massive change in the show.Mike's friends Eddie and Boner no longer on the show anymore was a huge change.And most of all Mike becoming a school teacher,which nobody in their right mind bought.Mike hated school.He always wanted to fool around with his friends,which was not Mike as a school teacher was.

Chrissy being added really didn't matter all that much,seeing how she didn't really have all that much of a huge part in the show anyway.But season 7 became the downfall and killer of Growing Pains.



But that's the problem: the fans are who would buy it on dd. The fans are the main ones who would watch it on TV. The fans remember.

Though Luke brower was a good addition, the rest of what you said was dead on.


I used to love seasons 6 and 7 when I was a kid. Now that I'm older, I think they're not as good. They have some good episodes in them, but the seasons as a whole aren't that great. To me, the series was the best between seasons 2-5.


Very well written. I loved it, and I don't think I could have written it better myself.

I am SO friending you. I like smart people.

