MovieChat Forums > Growing Pains (1985) Discussion > Would Luke still had been added...

Would Luke still had been added...

had it not been for Kirk Cameron pushing for more creative control over his character (i.e. wanting Mike to be more responsible) and the content? To give you a better idea of what I'm trying to say: /g/growingpains.htm

During the time while Mike is going through high school, he seems to be known as the "troublemaker", and then when he grows up and takes on the responsibility of watching that one kid, he seems to want nothing to do with his old life like he grew up a saint or something.

This show jumped the shark when Mike Seaver (Kirk Cameron) decided he wanted to become a teacher and do some good. I mean, he was the most interesting (and popular) character on the show because he was this witty, rebellious, fun high school guy that cheated on all of his tests and got all of the chicks with his infectious Ferris-Bueller-esque charm. Once he decided to go in the complete opposite direction and take away all that was fun to watch about his character, the show COMPLETELY JUMPED THE SHARK.

This show gradually started to jump the shark when Chrissy was born, but got worse when they aged her about three years into a curly-haired reject from an off-Broadway Annie show. Also about this time Kirk Cameron became really religious and wanted his character changed from a fun-loving bad boy into some kind of a saint who takes in homeless waif Leonardo DiCaprio, who looked like he had it sooo tough on the streets. The early years of this show were great, what s shame it was ruined forever when Chrissy jumped up on a table and sang Good Ship Lollipop in some strange dream sequence.

JTS occurred at the point when Kirk Cameron decided to "Get Religion". He then got a "Holier Than Thou" attitude and started throwing his "weight" and "morals" around the Growing Pains set. He was notorious for his "Little Girl Temper Tantrums" and had actors,writers and a director even canned. He also pulled this same stunt with his short lived show on the WB (Kirk) and now is relegated to doing "Jesus Films" due to the fact no one wants to put up with his crap. If you want my opinion, I think this is one of the things that drove tracey gold to anorexia.

Growing Pains definitely "jumped the shark" when Kirk Cameron decided to become Mr. God. I loved Kirk, but I think it was just so stupid to bring the show down because he got religious. Everyone wanted the Juvenile Delinquent Mike, but Kirk just refused to play the part anymore, so they ended up having to make Ben the juvenile while you had Mike become a teacher, someone he used to hate! Puh-leeze. I loved this show, even when Kirk decided it was time for a change, when Chrissy was born, when Ben was getting into trouble, when Carol went to London so that Tracey could get help, and even when Leonardo DiCaprio was on there. I just didn't like the way they had to change Mike, but hey, that's why they call it "Growing Pains" right? They grow up, get mature, after all, he was an adult. I hated to see the show go, but it was time.

I have always liked the show, but as soon as Kirk Cameron's character started keeping his nose clean it got boring. I later found out that he found God and became a snob towards the rest of the cast. That was what made the show go to hell (no pun intended). I felt sorry for the live in nanny when she got bounced. Thanks to Mr Cameron. Now I have nothing against religion. I believe that there is a God, but gee I don't need it shoved in my face! Another thing. Kirk's wife. DAMN! Can that woman find a job in Hollywood without tagging along with her husband?!

When Kirk Cameron went from witty, popular teen idol to a religious fanatic. I honestly think religion is okay, but when taken to the extreme just like drugs or anything else causes major problems. So he gets into this power trip where he refuses to do episodes or pouts unless certain people are fired or topics changed. Everyone on the show admitted how hard he was to work with and how he had no sense of humor or fun in his personality. Thicke admitted that Cameron needed to take a "chill pill." "Born Again Christians" are just as sick as those who are deemed insane. They go overboard and do and blame everything on something that can't even be seen by the human eye. Faith is great and all, but changing your whole lifestyle and not doing anything because of your religion can lead to a lifestyle of boredom and extremity. It has been taught that it's always good to have balance. Kirk Cameron is the prime example of this. He went from a fun guy to be around to an arrogant, picky pain in the *ss no one wanted to deal with. The storylines became lame, and soon "Growing Pains" joined the shark infested waters.


Just because Kirk had a lifestyle change doesn't mean his character had to change. He's suppose to be a professional actor. He's getting paid to do a job. He should have stuck to his Mike character with a little more maturity since he's an adult. I enjoyed Luke's character I continued watching till Chrissy came on board. I slowly stopped watching. I did tune in for the last episode.
