
Okay, I really think that it was wrong the way the producers and Kirk Cameron treated Julie McCullough. There is no excuse to have done what they did to her while she was on the show and even afterwards when they tried to get her back. She deserved better.

Having said that, I must confess that I LOVED the character of Kate and had a HUGE crush on Chelsea Noble at the time. Even now, she still looks great! And I personally believe that Mike and Kate had much better chemistry than Mike and Julie, probably for obvious reasons.


Really? I thought Julie was adorable and was a mature influence on Mike. I'm watching the series on UP and frankly the fifth season (when Kirk had his awakening) is clearly different in tone. Seasons 1-4 were funny, cute and featured all of the family. Season 5 is all Mike all the time which is getting old. So far Kate is one dimensional. Julie gave a backstory. Watching it now all these years later with the knowledge of what went on is maybe clouding my judgement, but I'm not finding the Mike/Kate story line good at all


Interesting. If anything, season 1 was all Mike all the time and that was because Neal Marlens, the creator of the show, focused almost all of the storylines on Mike the first year. Apparently he saw Mike as a younger version of himself or the younger version of himself that he wanted to be.

I liked Julie the character and thought it was pretty crummy how the show treated her, but I prefer Kate.
