I want to own it!

I really want to buy the entire series. I wish they would just put it out already. This was one of my all-time favorite shows, growing up. I haven't seen it in YEARS, now.

There are far too many like this. Who's the Boss? is another prime example. At least that one, I was able to buy bootlegged (no remorse. If they aren't going to offer it for sale, I'll get it however I can!). But for some reason, Growing Pains isn't offered on bootleg, or at least I haven't been able to find it.

I realize it may not be a huge moneymaker, but I assume they'll at least more than make their money back. And it will make a lot of fans happy - doesn't that count for anything?



I'm suffering through the very painful Growing Pains: Return of the Seavers movie in the hopes that the viewership will entice them to continue putting the seasons on DVD. But good grief, this movie is hard to watch.


You can purchase the set thru some online company of someone who recorded all the episodes off of CTS.


I want to own it too!


I have season one and two on DVD. They never put out a season 3.


FYI season 3 is available through Warner Archive.


It's just ridiculous! It's been 2 years since season 2. They are finally releasing a WKRP box set, but I have season 1.

D*** it Hardison!


The series has made it's way online a few times, but the funny thing is, Warner Bros doesn't want to release the dvds, but they sure as he|| are constantly waiting for it to be posted again so they can have it removed immediately.

I have bought seasons 1, 2, 3, and the movies. I know I'm one person and I don't fulfill their greedy expectations, but what's the matter with doing like season 3 and releasing some mod version? I know a lot of people would love to finish off the last 4 seasons of their collection.
