MovieChat Forums > Growing Pains (1985) Discussion > Kirk Cameron had issues with content BUT...

Kirk Cameron had issues with content BUT...

did he ever object to the constant fat jokes directed at Tracey Gold? Even as she dropped to a very unhealthy weight and had to leave the show to get help? I've always wondered this



Funny thing about christians...many thump their bible one moment, then the next are gossiping about others, making cruel jokes about others, and are just totally mean-spirited to others, and then find ways to "justify" their actions. Or they get really defensive when you call them on their actions, and ask them (for example, about the gossiping) if that is what their religion teaches them.

A good example is a family member of mine who claims to be soooooo christian. And she has an adult "child" who is learning disabled and mentally and emotionally handicapped (he is well into adulthood but has the mind-set of an eight-year-old). Yet she makes fun of people with Down's Syndrome, and makes snide remarks if someone mentions one of them having any sort of job. Stuff like, "What do they do? Sort glass?" then contorts her face to mimic one of them. Ask her how acting like that fits with her "christianity" and she will then rip and tear into you about anything she can think of. Even if she has to make it up herself.


Actually Kirk and Tracey were close on the show and knew each other before the series even began.
I don't think he would ever make weight jokes out of character.

She probably said she had no problem with it. The others had no idea that she had the issue she had. But Joanna at least finally stepped in.

But come on. Kirk imo needed an intervention as well in some way. In his bio he stated at 17-18 he pulled in an alley and asked himself if he died right there and then what would happen to him. How morbid and imo it could have been some sort of breakdown.
He also said that he had a bad stalker while on the show and that everything got to him.

But short version, Tracey and Kirk both had their share of problems and I don't think either were in their right mind to help each other.
But thankfully Tracey got help :) all ended great.


That's terrible of her. I can't stand people like that. There are a lot of mean people in the world, sadly. They aren't just Christians, they come from all backgrounds.

Anything I could have said I felt somehow that you already knew


Christians are almost as big of hypocrites as liberals.
