MovieChat Forums > Growing Pains (1985) Discussion > Did Tracey Gold ever address her concern...

Did Tracey Gold ever address her concerns

with the constant fat jokes that helped made her have an eating disorder? I never thought she was fat so I didn't really get the point of the constant fat jokes but did she ever tell the writers to not write it in. If Kirk can go to the writers then why didn't she?

I speak my mind and if you don't like it then that's just too damn bad!!!


Isn't it funny how Mr. Morals found nothing wrong with jokes about a person's appearance? Aren't Xtians supposed to he so holy-rollie (we know he was) ans wouldn't that be "sinful" to encourage hurting others?


Kirk Cameron didn't start complaining to the writers about scripts being too racy until after they had already stopped writing fat jokes about Carol. He didn't get into religion until he was in his late teens so it's not like he was annoying everyone from day one.


I imagine it's a pride thing. It can't be easy to just come out and admit that the jokes are actually starting to affect the way you see yourself...especially in Hollywood where you're expected to have a thick skin so that you can handle the rejection after auditions.
She probably thought "Well, they must have a reason for writing these fat jokes. i must be fat. I better do something so that they don't have a reason to make these jokes anymore." ... So what if they are just writing in some normal human sibling rivalry...


I heard that she did go to them about the fat jokes, but they said "It's not really toward you, it's Mike saying it to Carol," or something like that.
