MovieChat Forums > Growing Pains (1985) Discussion > The sitcoms of the 80's and 90's

The sitcoms of the 80's and 90's

I just gotta say being born in the mid eighties and growing up with these awesome shows was both a privilege and taught me great moral values growing up. These days, mostly all the shows just can not compare to what tv was back years ago.


TV now is horrible, I agree. These are real shows, real entertainment.

Your chains are still mine, you belong to me! - The Phantom Of The Opera


I have to agree. I was born in 1982 and I'm glad I had the chance to experience some of the 80s and all of the 90s. Just like you OP I learned a lot from some of the sitcoms because they dealt with real issues and stuff I would see at school that my parents couldn't help me with. Today all you get is reality shows now and sitcoms they don't even focus on real life stuff they are all about fashion, sex, and more sex.


Just like you OP I learned a lot from some of the sitcoms because they dealt with real issues and stuff I would see at school that my parents couldn't help me with. Today all you get is reality shows now and sitcoms they don't even focus on real life stuff they are all about fashion, sex, and more sex.

The irony in this. Fictional sitcoms of the 80s & 90s being more realistic than reality shows, lol.

Ex-girlfriend, you can't have him!:


We are getting new shows like the old days but there more geared to kids like 'Boy meets world' if anyone remembers now will come back as 'Girl meets world' maybe as a kiddy disney show. Television is basically done my friends !
