Dreaded 80's

I did most of my growing up in the 80's. I turned 15 in 1980. I got married in Jan. of 88 and my first child was born in Dec of 88, so I ask, what was wrong with the 80's. The 80's were sure better than the 2000's so far.


Sure, except for the rampant racism, sexism, homophobia, persecuted and demonized Vietnam Vets, Reganomics and the whole "cocaine" obsession/boom, the 80's were great!


rampant racism, sexism, homophobia, persecuted and demonized Vietnam Vets, Reganomics and the whole "cocaine" obsession/boom, the 80's were great!

Except, a lot those topics really haven't disappeared. Racism still exists, as does prejudice against other people(minorities).

People are still sexist, passing off sexist messages through music and television, even though now, they actually defend it by saying it's part of creative expression.

Vets will always be demonized by some group of people. Maybe not as bad, overall, but it still happens.

Homophobia, as of recent, has had a spike in violence.

Cocaine might not be an obsession, but since the 80s, to now, other unhealthy obsessions have taken the world by storm.

I think the 80s gets a bad rap, because, when people look back at the style and such, they scoff at it for being cheesy and such. Though, back in the day, that style was thought to be cool, hip and cutting edge. Same will be thought about our immediate culture, which will be laughed at in 20 years.

But, that's not saying the 2000s is all bad. There's some good things to it. Though, as a kid, growing up in the 80s, it was fun for me. I know some have bad memories of that time, so they might now think back and remember it so fondly. But I'm lucky enough to have all these fond memories. Of course, it wasn't PERFECT, but nothing is. But I loved everything good about it.


Every era has its good and bad points. There's no point in demonizing or romanticizing the past.

"When we make mistakes, it's evil. When God makes mistakes, it's nature."


"Sure, except for the rampant racism, sexism, homophobia, persecuted and demonized Vietnam Vets, Reganomics and the whole "cocaine" obsession/boom, the 80's were great! "

Right because all of that started on Jan 1, 1980 and ended on Dec 31, 1989. There was no racism in the 70s or 90s, nobody did drugs in the 70s or 90s either.

As for Reaganomics, hell yea, I could use some of that right about now. Booming economy for 8 years, 22 million jobs created.
