MovieChat Forums > Growing Pains (1985) Discussion > One of my favorite episodes

One of my favorite episodes

This was late in the run. Ben was working on a school project and needed some paste. Mike was delegated to take him to get paste. The store was closed or something and they go on this quest for paste. They meet up with Mike's friend Eddie. The meet some girls who ask, "Who's the little guy?" Ben tells them his name but no, they were referring to Eddie. They ask what the boys are up to. Ben, new to meeting women says "Just out getting some paste" at the expense of the girls' laughter. At the end of the episode they get home after several adventures, to find the girls had given him the paste he needed.

Anyone with me?


I love that one! Remember early in the series Boner and Eddie would get into childish pushing and shoving fights, then Ben and Eddie do the same in Mike's car.

And do you remember who Ben's girl was? The one who said "sticky, sticky, sticky." That was none other than Jenny Garth!

"She flattened a Dear John with a John Deere." - Douglas Wambaugh


That's one of the best episodes. Which is funny, considering Kirk Cameron wanted Mike to be more grown up and more responsible.


Oh yeah!!!


Absolutely, the best ep of Growing Pains ever! "Ben and Mike's Excellent Adventure" aired on Dec. 13, 1989. I still recall watching that one like it was yesterday.

But I guess we can assume that it wasn't quite December on Long Island as the guys and girls cruise in open cars, Jason and Maggie are going to a drive-in (as do the kids) and Mr. DeWitt is wearing shorts. I think we do see a pumpkin in the Seaver sun porch in the one scene. Must have been a warm spell some time in the fall. Beats me, but hands down my favorite ep.

What else did you guys like? How about "Carol's Term Papers?" That had to be the second best one I think.


I want to see this. Barely remember this ep. Miss growing pains. Please rerun.
