
This is a subject not worth commenting on but I have to share it.
I knew a guy a few years back. We spent two Christmas's together, along with his father (who wore an eye-patch, and his son (who didn't -- but ironically I did when I was a little squirt. I think it's called Ambleopia).
We never talked politics, but if we had, I'm sure it would have come to blows. But he was so generous to invite me to his Christmas. Might have been Thanksgiving, but whatever.
But on top of his TV, there was a framed picture of RDA ! I asked him why. He gave me a vague answer about his ex-wife. I'm guessing she compared him to MacGyver, as he was a pretty handy guy.
But I'll never get over having a framed photo of Richard Dean Anderson hanging around the house on Christmas Day.

I'm not a woman much less Deanna Durbin, but the old-time glam-shot appeals to me.
