MovieChat Forums > MacGyver (1985) Discussion > RDA retroactively ruined this show by be...

RDA retroactively ruined this show by becoming a stodgy old man in SG1

I enjoyed watching MacGyver during it's original run. I haven't watched it since.

Because for me RDA retroactively ruined MacGyver by becoming a stodgy old man in SG1.

I remember MacGyver as a cheerful, fun-loving, youthful, extremely agile & athletic superman.

But every time I saw RDA in a SG1 rerun, all I saw was a grouchy, grumpy, old man who can barely move (and who rarely does, other than to walk from one spot to another), and who looks and acts like he just escaped from his geriatric ward of the nursing home whose staff make him perpetually disgruntled.

Here is a token example of what I mean (you can start the clip at the 11 minute mark to understand the point):

...RDA sits down in his geriatric chair, closes his eyes and probably falls asleep too just like old men do in their rocking chairs, and then does nothing else. Then the big bad aliens' ships magically blow up and the rest of them magically disappear into thin air. All without RDA having done a single darn thing, except for to sit down and close his eyes.

I understand everyone gets older and no one can be a superman forever, but SG1 wasn't that much longer after MacGyver so as to account for the huge discrepancy between MacGyver-RDA and SG1-RDA.

So what gives? Did RDA have a major accident between the end of MacGyver and the start of SG1? What explains the radical change in him?

I suspect that this board probably has many RDA fans who will say RDA is the same in both shows and not want to admit his massive degradation as of SG1, but hopefully even so, some RDA fans will provide some honest replies to this question.



Well, MacGyver and Jack O´Neill are two completely different characters. I still enjoy both shows, because I acknowledge that.

You can´t compare these two.

MacGyver is light-hearted, outgoing, hungry for knowledge, and he is good with his hands.

O´Neill was a youthful offender and forced to join the military to not to go to prison. He got his life back together and had a successful career in the air force. Then his kid shot himself with his gun. I think anyone would break apart with a thing like this happening. Furthermore, his wife divorced him bc she also could not get over the fact that the kid died through her husband´s gun. He had nothing left, no family, no one really cared about him when we get to know him in the movie. He was a broken late-30-something or so and still has really coped with his sons death, which happened I think only a year or so before he first joined Stargate operations.

Hell, that is why he was chosen in the first place: Nobody would ask silly question as why he died or there is no corpse or why has my husband/wife glowy eyes and is mean to me and wants to set up his own religion.

Secondly, there is this age difference between the characters: I am not sure but I think MacGyver was supposed to be in his late twenties, first half of his thirties?, in the beginning of the show. Colonel Jack O´Neill should have been around his late thirties, beginning 40´s, much closer to RDA´s real age than MacGyver was. So although between the shows there was a 3 year gap, but the characters were apart five years or so. I always thought that in the season 2 birthday episode Mac turned 30.

Thirdly, the character of O´Neill got beaten up, shot at, crashed with a parachute and was severely injured many times, spend month in an Iraqi prison and was tortured - So I think it is only realistic to that character to show a certain "ageing" and sometimes difficulties to do things, like the kneeling thing.

As for the clip:

Kuddos on choosing the scene were O`Neill´s mind is taken over by the ancient knowledge again and where they are in battle where they are first on a space ship and then deep down in the chair room of Antarctica. What do you expect? Should he do cartwheels to get to the chair or on the space ship? I mean really - The other characters don´t really walk either, young and old.
Secondly, he sits not on any chair, it is the ancient weapons platform powered by telepathy or telekinesis or something, I am not sure. Doesn´t really matter anyways, point is: He has to really concentrate to operate that chair and to get the drones to fire, it can´t physically push buttons on that chair, he does it by thinking of it and some sort of mind control. As this might be disappointing regarding an action packed, last minute push of a button - But this is how ancient technology works - I guess in order to make it harder for enemies to use against them. Jumpers work like that, and also other technology. A lot of people close their eyes if they have to concentrate, so I don´t think that clip is a "token" example to convey your argument, not even a sort of good one:

He is not himself
Half the clip they are on a spaceship and he is building things to win the battle
The second half of the clip, he runs to the chair and then sit on it in order to operate it
He closes his eyes to concentrate, it is the first time he operates this kind of ancient technology - I think he flew a jumper for the first time in season 8. So the chair was the first time he used ancient tec running on mind control - Though I guess mind control is the wrong word, maybe more telepathy or so.


Thanks for the long & thoughtful replies!

What do you expect? Should he do cartwheels to get to the chair or on the space ship?

A ha ha, that made me laugh! 

What I would expect would be for the stunt guys to choreograph some interesting & difficult physical battles for RDA before he reaches the chair. Reaching the chair should have been an epic struggle, not an effortless cakewalk that any senior citizen who still has mobility ability could accomplish easily.

I.e. They could have had aliens firing lasers at RDA that he has to dodge; bladed weapons in the form of booby traps that spring out from the floors/ceilings/walls from which he has to roll out of the way; commando aliens who ambush RDA and jump right on top of him and and force him to fight terrifying hand-to-hand battles to the death, etc.

In other words, I expect the kind of stuff that would force RDA to use his athletic skills which he had in MacGyver...but which maybe he didn't have any more in SG1? Maybe that's why his SG1 scenes suck so badly in comparison, because he couldn't do athletic things any more? But if he couldn't, I'm not sure why?

Even if what you are saying is a good point, that there are legitimate script reasons for why that one clip has an absence of the kind of athletic stuff I'm talking about...that absence applies equally well to most of the SG1 show, doesn't it? I've watched a few dozen reruns at least, and RDA never did anything athletic in those episodes either.

The entirety of RDA's actions in SG1 can usually be summed up as: walk/stand around/sit around/talk/yell/aim a gun and pull the trigger. Is that not so? If he does other actions, what am I missing?


There are fight scenes with him, granted in the earlier seasons, but this example is particular bad, because in this scene they tried to get to the chair as undetected as possible.

plus - and that is a huge, enormous, vast, significant, important, monumental plus:

You don´t put they only guy who can operate that ancient chair on the front line where he might get killed.

next, plus - not that big:

Jack O´Neill had much more serious injuries in his lifetime, in addition wouldn´t have been Jack O-Neill at least 5-10 years older than Angus Mac Gyver? I don´t know how old Angus is supposed to be, but isn´t he around his late twenty´s in the beginning of the show, which would make him around 35 in the end. And Jack O-Neill is in his 40´s in the beginning of the show?
So there are reasons, to make that character look and behave older, and maybe not so spry anymore.

Also: Angus was trained in some Martial Arts, Jack O´Neil not - so different fighting styles are normal and RDA pretending O´Neill had basic training and boxing would give this character a different style of fighting.

These are also differences in the characters you need to consider when comparing Angus Macgyver and Jack O´Neill. O´Neill is a military guy and always rather rely on weapon. Angus was the oppsite, almost never touching or firing a weapon, he is anti-military.

By the way: Why would there be bladed weapons? That would make no sense - The ancients built that room and why would the bad guys install bladed weapons afterwards, they just arrived in that room themselves. There would have been no time for them to install booby traps.
Second, we know the ancients were arrogant, pretentious of their on intelligence and abilities, so why would they bobby trap the chair room?

With all that in mind: Don´t blame RDA, he just played two entirely different characters in two entirely different TV shows. Blame the writers for making Jack O´Neill a high ranking military officer (Air Force), who rather uses his gun and is pro-military and not trained Martial Arts spy, like Angus.


I see what you are saying and I appreciate the time and effort you put into your posts.

Although I don't buy the premise that these changes are due to character differences, because:

1. It makes no sense for the SG1 writers to write RDA to be a geriatric-like guy if he is capable of so much more. That is a waste of their money to pay for untapped talent that they let lay dormant.

2. Even if he did have logical character-based reasons to be geriatric-like, the show still would have been better if RDA performed like an athletic superman anyway, so they should have/would have done it if they could.

3. RDA's radical change in overall demeanor, from "happy-go-lucky, always cheerful guy" to "perpetually grumpy & stodgy old man who always looks and acts constipated" goes far beyond just when he is playing these two characters. The personality of RDA's SG1 character also has carried over into all of his post-Mac out-of-character moments (i.e. RDA's real-life) too (as far as I can tell).

For an example of Point 3., I bet no footage exists of post-Mac RDA ever again being anything remotely like his super happy self as is clearly evident in his demeanor on the Arsenio interview I've linked to above (here it is again: )

Do you know of any evidence of post-Mac RDA ever being like that again? If not, that seems to corroborate my points that the discrepancies I'm pointing to in this thread go beyond just the characters; rather it's a real-life-RDA-personality-level change for the worse.


What kinda nonsense? First off in the first few seasons of SG1 RDA did plenty of running around but here's something the team did alot of (as a black ops team would) they SNEAK around so they don't get caught.

As for the characters attitude how do you get your opinion? He's a funny but stoic character. He's generally in a playful mood with his team and constantly uses dry humor.

By season 5-6 he was gearing up to retire. He wanted to spend time with his kids so he left the show after season 8 and did cameos after that.

What I truly don't get is how one fictional character has ruined another for makes no sense unless you have a genuine mental issue and have a hard time separating fantasy from reality


As for the characters attitude how do you get your opinion?...He's generally in a playful mood with his team and constantly uses dry humor.

He may speak lines of dry humor, but his heart never seems to be in it. His whole demeanor is perpetually grumpy on SG1. He looks and acts like he is constantly constipated. He looks like he's never having any fun and as though he doesn't really want to be there. He seems like he is just there to collect a paycheck and then clock out as soon as he possibly can.

What I truly don't get is how one fictional character has ruined another for you

Because Mac gives me hope. When I saw Mac, and I thought things like: "My, what a cheerful, youthful, optimistic, happy young man!"

But since I've seen RDA on SG1, my memory of Mac is tarnished by knowledge like: "Oh, now I can't help but to remember that the Mac character was just an illusion. I know what Mac/RDA really 'grew up' to become, and it is the exact opposite of Mac: a grumpy, stodgy old man."

So now if I try to go back to watching Mac, how am I supposed magically to forget the sad knowledge of RDA's anti-Mac-like future self and enjoy Mac in the same way as I once did before he "grew up" to become a depressing opposite of himself?


By the way, here is a great interview that exemplifies what I mean:

Look at how happy and youthful and optimistic the Mac-version of RDA is.

Has the SG1-version of RDA ever been like that (including RDA in real-life at any point after he took on the SG1 role)? RDA definitely seems to have lost himself and become a mostly different person at some point after the MacGyver series ended.


I didn't see him as old until the later yrs. He had a dry wit and played well off of Daniel. There were plenty of action scenes in both shows. As for RDA himself, he's aged and did a lot of his own stunts in both shows, he injured his back, so he looks much older in the end


Rumor has it that in the period between the two shows, someone destroyed a self portrait that RDA used to keep hidden in his basement.


now go away

