Mac and Murdoc

I've been watching all the Murdoc episodes on Netflix this week and it got me wondering two things:

1. What is everybody's favorite Murdoc episode? Mine is Halloween Knights.

2. Does anybody else think that RDA and Michael DeBarres could give us one final and definitive showdown for the plot of the movie?


I think I like the cowboy episode, Serenity, the best.

After Cleo Rocks I think it was time for Mac and Murdoc to stop the denial and tie the knot already.


After Cleo Rocks I think it was time for Mac and Murdoc to stop the denial and tie the knot already.

Yeah, I half expected them to start making out in Halloween Knights. They had great chemistry. If there is a MacGyver movie, let's have them going after one another one more time.


I would say "Widowmaker"

followed by Cleo Rocks


The Widowmaker by a mile. Then perhaps "Cleo Rocks." I liked "Obsessed" from season 7 up until it turns into a 1960's "Batman" epsidoe with Mac strapped to the back of a plastic rocket.

"All the time in a world that's not enough..."


If I were MacGyver, I would have told murdoc I would only help him rescue his sister if he told me how the hell he survived all his supposed deaths.


If I were MacGyver, I would have told murdoc I would only help him rescue his sister if he told me how the hell he survived all his supposed deaths.

Fantastic! Great idea.

Edited to add a comment about Cleo Rocks. My favorite scene - apart from Murdoc, elegantly creaking along with his leg brace, - offset nicely by his cape, (in the dungeon while threatening Pete) is where Murdoc removes his makeup to reveal his horrible facial scars as creepy music plays in the background. Penny begins screaming as he laughs maniacally.

Murdoc's accent is all over the place. He does the French accent better than the English. That said, I think Michael Des Barres' English accent has faded over time. (Must be all that time he spent hanging out with Don Johnson. :)


I usually like when TV shows use recurring villains. And Michael Des Barres was outstanding as Murdoc.


It's kind of crazy how incompetent Murdoc was. He's like a Bond villain.


Widowmaker was the best in my opinion
