MovieChat Forums > MacGyver (1985) Discussion > What do right-wingers think of this show...

What do right-wingers think of this show?

I ask this question, because this show was anti-gun.


First of all, what's a "right-winger"? 'cause I find people often don't understand what they are saying when refering to people on the political right.

Secondly, the show was not anti gun, actor Richard Dean Anderson is anti gun, something one or more producers agreed with. He carried this anti gun opinion onto his short-lived series "Legend" as well.

Early on in "Stargate: SG1" he tried that, too, but for obvious reasons that didn't work.

The New Number 2: "Are you going to run?"
Number 6: "Like blazes. First chance I get."


When the main character is anti-gun and goes out of his way to come up with alternate solutions to firing a gun, the show is anti-gun. Accept it. I saw one of your reviews, of the Legend of the Holy Rose where you made several references to the lead actress being a "liberal moron". Seriously, how the fvck do people like you end up watching a show about a very liberal hero like MacGyver?


Remember this show did not depict real life. If the character was anti-gun in real life under the circumstances of the show, he'd be dead in no time. I'm not an anti-gun Liberal, but I loved the show.


Remember this show did not depict real life. If the character was anti-gun in real life under the circumstances of the show, he'd be dead in no time.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


I enjoyed it. Perfect 80's escapism.

100% Comic Book Purist, and Bloody Proud of it !


Well, I guess I'm a "Right Winger" so I'll answer. I'm sitting here literally finishing the last episode of the entire series on Netflix. As a youngster, I was a fan and often watched the show. I have always been compared to MacGyver because I get creative when fixing things. It's been so weird watching the show through adult eyes. As a young teenager, all the liberal lessons taught on the show were invisible. When you are 13 or 14, hearing about saving the planet, no wars or guns, or protecting the weak are great notions. I can honestly say this show and the similar left leaning themes of other shows I watched at that age gave me this view of the world that Bernie Sanders fans must love. I left High School thinking Bill Clinton was being wrongly persecuted, the poor & minorities were only less fortunate because white corporate America kept them down, and that all life on Earth would be gone in a few years if I didn't switch to non-aerosol products. The lessons I learned from MacGuyver were subconsciously ingrained Into my malleable mind - just as I'm sure the writers intended.

Then life happened. I decided to try to protect the weak (just like MacGyver taught me) by becoming a cop. My early months on the PD were filled with the belief that nobody lied, people didn't pick their circumstances, and that I could really change lives. Then reality set in. I would give a guy a break after a promise to never steal again, only to get called back 30 minutes later when they stole again. I would give $5 from my own pocket to a mother to feed her crying child, only to see her go around the corner and buy some beer or dope. I would hear a prostitite who was pregnant brag about how her baby was "gonna be another $300/month" on her welfare check (and even though her previous seven kids were in foster homes she still collected on every one). When it came to guns, I saw that 99% of the guns used in crimes I dealt with were not used by legal gun owners, but by criminals who didn't care about "gun control" laws. And I learned that that whole "I'm here because I'm being kept down by the man" thing was nothing but an excuse to justify a complete lack of respect for the laws/rules of civilized society. I realized the perfect liberal utopian society that shows like MacGyver taught was nothing but BS.

As my beliefs in society changed I educated myself about all the environmental lessons MacGyver taught. I learned that the earth was like a beach at low tide. Sure, we can build a castle. But eventually the tide will come in and put everything back like it always was. This ridiculous belief that we are changing the climate is nothing but a reason for Liberals to get rich by encouraging everyone to "go green" (which is convenient since so many of these Liberals own companies that have gotten rich off the green revolution). Any legitimate scientist will tell you 99% of all life on earth went extinct way before humans. And someday we will all die and in 10 million years or so there will be absolutely no trace we were ever here. As big as we like to think we are in the whole scheme of things, we are much like the ants in your backyard digging tunnels and making mounds. We are not capable of really doing long term harm to the planet. If we nuked the whole world tomorrow, things might glow for 10k years, but the earth will bounce back.

So, what do "right wingers" think of MacGuyver? Watching it through adult eyes I found myself rolling my eyes a lot. The ideas that are force-fed to the viewer are nice... but just have no basis in real life. In a battle between a Swiss army knife, duct tape and bubble gum, vs my Glock, my Glock wins.


I learned that the earth was like a beach at low tide. Sure, we can build a castle. But eventually the tide will come in and put everything back like it always was.

While your quote is incredibly beautiful and I don't mean to be a smartass...the tide is constantly displacing sand and is also carried down to other areas by the wind. Nothing is ever as it was. It's constantly changing no matter what.

But yeah, duct tape and bubble gum vs a gun is never a good idea.

Death is the standard breach for a complex prize.


Your gun is useless, if the knife disables your hand. Think about it.


I love it because of the cheese factor. Burn Notice was kinda the same way. I always looked at that as a modern macgyver but with a consistent team whereas Jack and Pete were only in certain episodes of MacGyver. Found it funny how he was anti-gum but blew up a nuclear facility with c4. There was one episode of Burn Notice (possibly the pilot) when Michael said "Guns make you stupid" even though he used them throughout the show. But i like all the nifty stuff they make with random stuff lying around.


I think he was just saying that you have to be more creative when you don't have guns as a crutch. Doesn't mean don't use guns ever, just don't be dependent.


Good point.


I will say though it's easy for anyone to watch this show no matter political beliefs. I used to watch this all the time with my bro as a kid after school at our grandparents' house. He delivers some lines like John Wayne. "Congratulations, Pop!" talking to Charlie in Countdown S1 Ep14. The lines, tension and one of the best theme songs ever are 3 of many reasons i still love it. Anti-gun or pro-gun, I'll always love this show.


I never saw this as a political statement. The A-Team and a bajillion cop shows blazed away on every channel. I thought MacGyver was a response to those shows, telling a story whose hero who could get out of a jam with his wits instead of an arsenal.
Mac saw a gun for what it is, a tool. He used them from time to time as such rather than to kill. That's probably the real lesson- that a firearm is neither good nor evil, it's the person using it who makes the decisions.
Mac still used his fists, he blew things up, he caused deaths from time to time. It was still an action show and could get gritty here and there. Other characters, both good guys and bad guys, used guns, so it wasn't really a strong statement on the series as a whole.


I'm not sure I accept the premise that gun issues are a right/left issue, even though that's how it's portrayed in the U.S.
