Horse Stunt

The horse and rider being lifted high off the beach in the opening sequence of "Thief of Budapest" (3rd episode) is spectacular but is probably both politically incorrect and animal cruelty by today's standards. It looks like the real McCoy to me but possibly a crane could have been used to simulate a helicopter. Lacking bonus material, it's sort of a mystery how exactly they pulled that stunt off.

Somehow, I managed to miss the entire series when it was first broadcast. I got curious after laughing at the recent SNL parodies. It's all new to me which adds to the enjoyment.



"Fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads. Fish heads, fish heads, eat them up, Yumm! - B&B


Hey man, I can actually remember huge controversy over that exact stunt. I swear it was on the news in England that there was an investigation but it's been so long I cannot remember the specifics. I just remember the clip being shown as I had yet to see the episode.


ive seen rescue programs where they rescued a horse from a deep ravin,and they lifted the horse by helicoper.
dont know if this was real tough,i always tought it was.

i wonder who came up with that tough,wre they high?

is it footage from another movie?


Horse stunt: I remember this before I'd heard of MacGyver as it received a special mention at the Stuntman Awards for 1985, in which Airwolf won a special stunt award for the episode 'Annie Oakley'.

I've seen this episode a few times and though it was a badass stunt it just seems really cruel as it was a real horse (though the long far away shot may have been fake).


I actually DID see something about the making of this stunt, though I can't remember where, or what the specifics were. The one thing I do remember is that they showed how it was (obviously) a stunt double on the horse, and so the hands that we see tying the rope to the horse are not RDA's hands. I'm pretty sure an actual helicopter was used.
Damn, I wish I could remember where I saw that behind-the-scenes clip. It was on tv in the 80s, not long after the episode aired.


You really think they don't have proper harnesses to lift a horse like that? Do you really think they lifted it by the saddle? Are you really that dense?

This is a non-question. It was a stunt. Just because you didn't see how it was done doesn't mean they did it in the most illogical way possible.


Wow, you are rude. The OP did not mention anything about lifting the horse by the saddle.


Hear, Hear I agree (about the rude comment)
